View Full Version : SAFES what you got, where, how much?

04-15-2015, 09:56 PM
I'm looking to get a safe for my stuff. I would like to get one locally. I'm not interested in the box store safes I've seen. They all seem thin and Chineseish. So what do you you guys think? I don't need huge but I don't wanna spend a fortune I'd like to keep it under 3000$. I have a Mosler for my valuables but rifles won't fit. Ideas?

04-15-2015, 09:59 PM
My Dad has a really old one at his place. I bet it weighs 400 lbs. I can get the dimensions and see what he wants for it. It's dusty but would probably clean up reasonably well. I will snap a photo on Friday for ya.

Edit - sorry rifles won't fit in it. I'm guessing it is maybe 35" tall and 25-30" wide.

Dan B.
04-15-2015, 10:29 PM
I get mine from a place near somerset. Hoovers. 45 cubic feet. 1500 bux.

04-15-2015, 11:43 PM
I'm looking to get a safe for my stuff. I would like to get one locally. I'm not interested in the box store safes I've seen. They all seem thin and Chineseish. So what do you you guys think? I don't need huge but I don't wanna spend a fortune I'd like to keep it under 3000$. I have a Mosler for my valuables but rifles won't fit. Ideas?

Mosler is good stuff....I work for Diebold who now owns the rights to Mosler after the buy out years ago....let me know if you need any assistance with it

04-16-2015, 05:37 PM
Year my dad used to deal in precious metals and I get the "small" safe from him so far so good. I just need one for the broomsticks and bricks of cocaine now.

Mark Aubele
04-16-2015, 06:56 PM
I don't think they make a safe that will fit a Denali

04-16-2015, 07:23 PM
I don't think they make a safe that will fit a Denali

That would be called a vault

04-16-2015, 07:46 PM
I let that crap sit in the driveway.....that's why God invented heated mirrors and remote start

04-17-2015, 12:37 AM
good info copied from buckeyestangs:

I've been searching for a good safe for about 6 months. Something I could afford, something that was "fireproof", something that would deter burlaries.

I, like everyone am worried about value. but how much value is out there?

Some safes have external hinges..those allow for more swing on the door for ease of access to your valuables, but offer as some say an easier to break into. Other things to look at are whether or not there is a "lip" to get some kind of prying tool into the door. Most of the better safes have a secondary spring loaded assy that keeps the bolts in place after the lock/digital combo unit is drilled or punched out. The number of bolts and thickness of the steel are two major areas of concern to pay attention to when shopping for a quality safe.

here's a good video that shows how long it takes a couple of normal people with prybars to break into a "top model" safe from the big box stores/cabellas/gun shops. they are not trained professionals. they are two guys with two simple tools... a Pry bar and a crow bar...



This leads to a couple things... you will want to SECURE the safe to walls, floors, concrete, etc. If anyone can push it over, they can get in it.

Another thing I was looking for was fireproof ratings...

It seems that most safes under 1500 bucks are lined with a couple layers of fireproof drywall, also know as gysem. that's right, drywall. you can buy this at home depot... So all the major safe brands out there have "fire resistant" safes IMO.

The "competitor" safe in this video is a cannon that you can buy at TSC for 1k.


one of the best videos I watched was here...


04-19-2015, 09:16 AM
I've watched the last one. You're right great info! I'm trying to buy local so well see