View Full Version : Store Closing updated inventory list with prices

08-10-2015, 08:36 PM
Will keep this updated as it sells
Handguns NEW:
EAA Sark2 45acp ---SOLD
Taurus PT 22. .22lr---SOLD
Taurus First 24 kit. Cerekote DE Judge 45-410, with knife, flashlight, emergency items in a waterproof case---SOLD
Cobra derringer .22mag--- SOLD

Handguns used:
LLama max2 (1911) 45acp with paddle holster---SOLD
Taurus 357 mag 2" snubby 5 shot revolver with paddle holster---SOLD
Taurus tcp pink and stainless. 380---SOLD
Ruger Super Blackhawk with Swift scope. 44mag 8" barrel and holster---SOLD
Cobra single shot 45-410 break open derringer---$75
Taurus M85 poly protector 38sp with holster---SOLD
Hi Standard Sentinal 22lr revolver---$200
Iver Johnson viking 22lr revolver---$125
Remington smoot #2 revolver 30 rimfire (late 1800's)---$400
Allen & Wheellock sidehammer .22short rimfire (mid 1800's)---$400
A bunch of vintage revolvers from 1800's through mid 1900's

Long guns New:
CAI ak 47 with two mags. 7.62x39---SOLD
Tikka T3 lite. 7mm mag---$430
Mossberg 4X4 270---SOLD
Marlin x7 243---SOLD
S&W M&P 15 (ar-15) .22lr---SOLD
Savage 64 .22lr---$200
Savage Axis package youth 7mm08---SOLD
Long guns Used:
Mossberg 590 with tactical light and laser (great home defense shotgun) 12 ga---SOLD
Remington 870 wingmaster (1955 model and beautiful) 12 ga---$500
ATI Tacpx2 12 ga---SOLD
Mossberg 346KA .22lr---$150
Bushmaster xm15 5.56 0r .223---$750
Savage Axis package 25-06---$239
Remington 7600 270---sold
Savage axis package 270---$249
Winchester model 70 (1967) 270---SOLD
mauser 30-06---$100
Savage 111 Package 30.06---$330
Weatherby Vanguard 300WSM with muzzlebrake---$475
Norinco SKS paratrooper 7.62x39---SOLD
Westernfield 12 ga.---$125

Also selling a few of my personal collection also. Safe is full
Adaptive Tactical sidewinder in digital atacs camo. 10 rd drum fed 12 ga---SOLD
Remington 870 TC trap shotgun 12 ga. Beautiful wood!---$600
Ithaca Flues 1 1/2 double barrel 12 ga (1917) beautiful---$725
Colt Diamondback 4"(1975) 38sp---SOLD
Colt 38 DA 6" (1899) 38 LC---SOLD
S&W 629-4 44mag---SOLD
Para expert 1911 45ACP---SOLD

08-12-2015, 06:16 PM
all ammo at dealer cost also. To long of a list to post all that inventory, but just ask if you are looking for something. Thanks

08-12-2015, 09:44 PM
Was hoping you would have had a smaller 9mm semi-auto. Would of picked something like that up for a carry gun.

08-12-2015, 10:32 PM
Was hoping you would have had a smaller 9mm semi-auto. Would of picked something like that up for a carry gun.

The hand guns sold really fast.

08-20-2015, 01:25 PM
LLama, and S&W 629 sold

08-20-2015, 03:41 PM
Winchester 70 sold

08-21-2015, 04:17 PM
Para Expert and Sidewinder both sold.

08-25-2015, 11:01 PM
Mossberg 4x4 and Cobra derringer are sold

08-26-2015, 11:03 PM
Marlin X7 and Colt DA38 are sold

09-01-2015, 11:07 PM
SKS sold

09-09-2015, 07:54 PM
Not that anyone is paying attention, however, the Taurus 357 and the ATI shotgun are sold