View Full Version : Steelers signed Vick

08-25-2015, 09:22 PM
Holy Cows... anybody reading all the comments on the local news sites? NOBODY likes this guy. WOW! I don't agree with what he did, but OMGZ... he went to jail for almost two years, paid his debt to society and from what I've read has really rehabilitated himself personally in the last 5-6 years. What's the big, fooking deal? He's a great athlete. People talking about the Rooneys having no morals, blah blah blah... the whole NFL is a bunch of thugs. It's freaking football. It's a violent game. That's why we watch it. If you're upset about some player's violent past, go watch golf or tennis. :z7shysterical: :z7shysterical: :z7shysterical:

08-25-2015, 09:40 PM
It's been 7 years, people need to move on. He did an awful thing, he got arrested, he did his time, and seems to have changed his life some now. he's a football player, they are shitty role models for the most part, and plenty of them do stupid shit that would land a "normal" person in a world of hurt. He's a piece of a machine, that will fit better than other parts of the machine that the steelers currently employ. Thats all

08-25-2015, 09:45 PM
I couldn't agree more. So what he did was wrong, but these yinzer fans are really annoying. However, what's interesting is that on facebook people are starting to take this to the racial stage. The Steelers are at a point where they don't have anyone to turn to in regards to a quarterback. If Ben goes down, Landry Jones is worthless, and well one of us might as well go out there and play because I'm pretty sure we can perform just as well if not better than that guy. I hate to say that, because I was really hoping he was going to show more progress than what he has but, again like you said... The NFL is a business and if people are offended by this they should go watch Golf.

08-25-2015, 09:59 PM
He did his time, paid the fines. People need to move on. I for one like the signing. We all know Ben gets hurt and for once it would be nice to have a someone as backup that can get it done.

08-25-2015, 10:00 PM
I hate this signing but I guess there isn't much available out there and we need a warm arm - Vick absolutely sucks. Period. He is possibly the most overrated QB in the history of the game. Can't take a hit and can't hit the broad side of a barn. Throws into traffic way too often. Ball security is non-existent. Puts the ball on the ground a lot. I'm all for second chances but God help us if we ever need him to come into a game.

08-25-2015, 10:11 PM
I think Vick was the first QB to ever come into the NFL and make the college run/option work. He can run. I don't have the stats, but I'm pretty sure he got quite a few TDs on his feet first few years in the league. Let him do what he do and not a pocket QB and he could shock some defenses in a pinch.

George C
08-25-2015, 10:12 PM
bring back batch.......

08-25-2015, 11:00 PM
Convicted Felon.

Wouldn't even get hired at Chick Fil-A

08-26-2015, 12:31 AM
Amen Dak... That moron is going to bring the media circus to town. This ain't Dallas - we don't need that shit.

08-26-2015, 08:45 AM
Good Article in Trib this morning... http://triblive.com/sports/joestarkey/8976273-74/vick-steelers-michael#axzz3jvN2mkip

snippet >>>

Professional football is a power play, not a morality play. Teams sacrifice ethics in the pursuit of victory. If you don't accept those terms, I will assume you stopped watching a long time ago.

08-26-2015, 09:13 AM
wonder how the steelers will celebrate national dog day today

08-26-2015, 09:23 AM
10 years ago if a Steeler was in the headlines it was for what he did in the field. We've had an alarming change in that and it's indicative that the culture of the team has changed from a group of guys we'd all be proud to hang out with to a group of thugs we'd be scared to hang out with.

vick isn't the total problem, but he's the poster child and now he's part of the Steeler nation. Despicable. If you need players like him on your team to win, turns out your team ain't so hot after all.

08-26-2015, 09:27 AM
10 years ago if a Steeler was in the headlines it was for what he did in the field. We've had an alarming change in that and it's indicative that the culture of the team has changed from a group of guys we'd all be proud to hang out with to a group of thugs we'd be scared to hang out with.

vick isn't the total problem, but he's the poster child and now he's part of the Steeler nation. Despicable. If you need players like him on your team to win, turns out your team ain't so hot after all.

I don't see how needing a good player as a backup means your team wasn't hot after all. Some people get too personal about this and think everyone needs to be a moral role model, these guys are professional athletes not altar boys. Great signing.

08-26-2015, 09:41 AM
The problem I have is that Vick just plain sucks. Fingers crossed he never needs to see the field.

08-26-2015, 10:48 AM
don't forget that last year vick was the qb when the jets beat the steelers

08-26-2015, 10:52 AM
Yeah but our D wasn't too hot.

08-26-2015, 10:54 AM
I don't even think Wendy's hires convicted Felons.

George C
08-26-2015, 10:58 AM
would much rather see Tebow as back up, not a fan of Vick... he isnt a great QB more along the lines of a hyped up player by media

08-26-2015, 11:06 AM
did you all see the reports that tomlin wanted to take him like 6 years ago but the organization said no

I did not realize vick and tomlin were from the same town in Virginia

I really don't care who the backup is because if he is playing we are done for the most part

08-26-2015, 11:32 AM
I really don't care who the backup is because if he is playing we are done for the most part

Exactly. He's not worth the circus he will bring to town.

08-26-2015, 11:43 AM
Exactly. He's not worth the circus he will bring to town.

what about the saying " there is no such thing as bad pr " ? :icon_biggrin:

08-26-2015, 12:06 PM
Convicted Felon.

Wouldn't even get hired at Chick Fil-A

I don't even think Wendy's hires convicted Felons.

So, what'r you saying here? He would NOT get hired at Chick Fil-A and you don't THINK he would get hired at Wendy's? Does Chick Fil-A have a higher standard of fast-food morals than Wendy's? :tomato:

08-26-2015, 12:14 PM
Chick Fila could have Vick cleaning up the shitters on Sundays I guess

Dan B.
08-26-2015, 12:24 PM
He couldn't work for me.............we have to get all our clearances before being allowed to work.

08-26-2015, 12:36 PM
League minimum for a player with 10+ years experience is 970,000. The people I work with hurl insults, mock and ridicule me and I make a fraction of a tenth of 970,000. I'm sure he'll be just fine. I don't know why you guys are so worried about his mental well-being. :LOL:

Dan B.
08-26-2015, 12:43 PM
The people I work with hurl insults, mock and ridicule me and I make a fraction of a tenth of 970,000.

That's cuz you are a troll............has nothing to do with pay.

08-26-2015, 12:57 PM
I've never been convicted of anything. Hell, never been arrested. Got stuffed once and got to sit in the front seat. I wasn't even a big enough threat to get cuffed or put in back seat behind the chicken wire. :(

08-26-2015, 02:53 PM
Chick Fila could have Vick cleaning up the shitters on Sundays I guess

No, they don't believe in working on Sundays.

08-26-2015, 03:44 PM
I think Vick was the first QB to ever come into the NFL and make the college run/option work. He can run. I don't have the stats, but I'm pretty sure he got quite a few TDs on his feet first few years in the league. Let him do what he do and not a pocket QB and he could shock some defenses in a pinch.
I remember Vick putting in some work vs the steelers in his Atlanta days.....


2-1-1 vs the steelers, 72/124, 833 yards, 9 TD, 2 Int, and 28 rushing attempts for 133 yards and 1 TD.....

Guys forget this dude is a vet that was a 4 time pro bowler.....great back up QB IMO. Hell, check out his career stats on that site as well not bad.

Good Article in Trib this morning... http://triblive.com/sports/joestarkey/8976273-74/vick-steelers-michael#axzz3jvN2mkip

snippet >>>

Professional football is a power play, not a morality play. Teams sacrifice ethics in the pursuit of victory. If you don't accept those terms, I will assume you stopped watching a long time ago.

x1,000,000. This is football. No one gives two ****s about morals. These guys are there to win. Stop watching football, and then maybe these "thugs" won't be making 5 million a year. Until then, carry on.

I don't see how needing a good player as a backup means your team wasn't hot after all. Some people get too personal about this and think everyone needs to be a moral role model, these guys are professional athletes not altar boys. Great signing.

x2. Most professional athletes are terrible role models.

would much rather see Tebow as back up, not a fan of Vick... he isnt a great QB more along the lines of a hyped up player by media

And Tebow isn't? lol. Tebow wasn't cut out for the NFL. I was actually going to jokingly suggest that should we have picked up Tebow instead....then you actually did. lol.

08-26-2015, 04:39 PM
LOL @ all this drama/rage over handegg :rofl:

08-26-2015, 05:05 PM
Guy def paid the price and has his life straight these days.

Is what it is.

08-26-2015, 08:12 PM
I'd prefer he went home and brushed his teeth with a pistol

Dan B.
08-26-2015, 08:16 PM
I'm not a fan like some folks here. So I have two questions.

1. Is the hate for his lack of talent or his criminal history?

2. Is animal abuse worse than raping a woman?

George C
08-26-2015, 08:32 PM
I'm not a fan like some folks here. So I have two questions.

1. Is the hate for his lack of talent or his criminal history?

2. Is animal abuse worse than raping a woman?
them hoes were asking for it against ben lol

yes dog fighting is worse

08-26-2015, 09:49 PM
He tortured the dogs in addition to fighting them

08-26-2015, 09:53 PM
I could care less about Vick's convicted criminal history. I just can't stand the media circus BS that will descend on our town because of all this. And on top of that he isn't a winner and simply is a less than average QB, especially this late in his career. Watch him pull a hammy in preseason...

Huge difference between a crime against another person vs against an animal. That being said, Ben was never convicted of anything...and Vick was.

George C
08-26-2015, 09:56 PM
One had better lawyers then other

08-26-2015, 10:05 PM
Crime against animal vs person?

in this case, it was numerous and repeated crimes against the animals. They were planned and carefully premeditated. Especially heinous stuff. So, equal crimes I'd say versus the person, but he was convicted of some really evil stuff.

You might believe people change. We'll see. I wish the experiment wasn't being conducted in our home town.

Dan B.
08-26-2015, 10:15 PM
I asked since most public perception is based on loose (very loose) information. I don't know the details and really don't care. Just wondering where the main rubs with this signing lay.

08-26-2015, 10:32 PM

08-27-2015, 10:05 AM
I guess some people on here are not dog lovers and don't understand how loyal they are to their owners. It makes me SICK to this day what Vick did and also makes it hard for my wife and I to take our pitt lab mix anywhere. We have people looking at us all the time like he is going to eat some ones face off and its all because of people like Vick.

I wish people looked at Vick this way! Oh but that would be racist...

George C
08-27-2015, 10:36 AM
I guess some people on here are not dog lovers and don't understand how loyal they are to their owners. It makes me SICK to this day what Vick did and also makes it hard for my wife and I to take our pitt lab mix anywhere. We have people looking at us all the time like he is going to eat some ones face off and its all because of people like Vick.

I wish people looked at Vick this way! Oh but that would be racist...ppl hated pitbulls long before vick was around

08-27-2015, 10:47 AM
ppl hated pitbulls long before vick was around

Thanks to the kind of people like Vick.

George C
08-27-2015, 10:54 AM
Thanks to the kind of people like Vick.

pitbulls were hated back in the 90s, when every single thug walked the streets with a loaded up pittbull ready to fight

08-27-2015, 01:03 PM
I guess some people on here are not dog lovers and don't understand how loyal they are to their owners. It makes me SICK to this day what Vick did and also makes it hard for my wife and I to take our pitt lab mix anywhere. We have people looking at us all the time like he is going to eat some ones face off and its all because of people like Vick.

I wish people looked at Vick this way! Oh but that would be racist...

So a little bit of history in regards to Pit Bulls. The Greeks actually used a very early breed of Pit Bulls as guards and shepherd dogs. During the war, they would march off with their humans in order to fight during battle. When Rome became the empire that they were, they used these Pit Bulls as war dogs.. During World War I, they used the faces of Pit Bulls on Army recruitment posters as well. The biggest reason though is that during the 80's, when crime elevated, people used Pit Bulls to intimidate people. So as George says, people hated them long before Vick was around. Vick was just a little kid when people really began to perceive them as "mean animals". While I agree that what he did was completely wrong I think that you're missing the point that down in the south, dog fighting is quite a huge ordeal. He's not the only person involved in this..

My point is that people are so quick to judge for people's bad choices. You always go with your environment. When you're surrounded by drugs and alcohol, you begin to use. If you live in an area filled full of snobby, rich people, you'll begin to act just as they do at some point. Some people can battle it, but not everyone can. There was a great article about addiction. I'll have to pull it up, but this guy did quite an extensive study on Mice and gave them heroin or cocaine, I can't remember. He put them in a cage, which was basically a ghetto. He had water laced with cocaine or heroin and another with pure water. The mice drank the heroin laced watermainly because they had nothing else to do. He then moved them out after addiction and put them in a cage that was more "up-scale", which presented with playgrounds and a more luxurious stay. He again had the water laced with cocaine or heroine, and another that was just plain water. The mice drank out of the one laced for a few days, but then reverted over to plain water. Environmental aspects have a lot to do with what you do. Like I said, when you're surrounded with criminals, you'll act like a criminal.

Dog fighting isn't something that's just going to end today because people badger Vick for his wrong doings..

Let me ask you this question... Do you think people would've been as concerned if these were a bunch of cats getting killed? I have this feeling that people would have been a little more lenient against it because people don't like cats. Comments would've been "good, cause I hate cats.. They are sneaky and their is an overpopulation of them".. That would've been statements that were probably made.

08-27-2015, 01:21 PM
F cats... :-) and Forgestar

08-27-2015, 01:26 PM
F cats... :-) and Forgestar

Haha speaking of which. This stray cat pissed all over my OE Wheels. Of course they bubbled and were ruined (don't ever buy OE Wheels)..

So I need some new rims. I'd love a set of SP500's.. CCW is the way to go!.. But, they are too pricey for me.. Sigh... Lol

Dan B.
08-27-2015, 01:30 PM
As long he didn't abuse goats............

08-27-2015, 01:55 PM
Abusing goats must not be a felony...or Dan wouldn't be able to work at IUP, Wendy's, or Chic-fil-a.

Dan B.
08-27-2015, 02:01 PM
Hey now........my goats are treated well.

And.......Maybe there's a reason Cam is self employed. Maybe he has a record............hhmmm.

08-27-2015, 02:27 PM
I am not sure how many thugs would walk down the street with our dog on a leash. LOL


08-27-2015, 03:13 PM
Sorry ruthless you won't convince any of the Steelers nutswingers that Vic is a piece of shit and dosnt deserve to be on a team. I'm not sure if there is a crime that could be too heinous to not brush off as long as he could handle a ball. The steelers would hire bin laden if he wasn't dead and he could rush like bettis. As long as he "serves his time". A kid toucher will be next on the NFL roster

Mark Aubele
08-27-2015, 05:13 PM
You are wrong Ben. A white guy who drops an errant n-bomb would be much worse. Michael Richards probably can't get a job a McD's.

George C
08-27-2015, 05:51 PM
I am not sure how many thugs would walk down the street with our dog on a leash. LOL


would probably be practice for the fighters

08-27-2015, 07:57 PM
Obviously, we don't live in Philly or NY. Just curious if the backlash was so bad there when he signed with Jets and Eagles. Or, is there some kind of absurd amount of dog lovers in SWPA ? This is just an observation. I am an animal lover like most of you... just trying to be objective here. ha!

08-28-2015, 10:04 AM
Sorry ruthless you won't convince any of the Steelers nutswingers that Vic is a piece of shit and dosnt deserve to be on a team. I'm not sure if there is a crime that could be too heinous to not brush off as long as he could handle a ball. The steelers would hire bin laden if he wasn't dead and he could rush like bettis. As long as he "serves his time". A kid toucher will be next on the NFL roster

So true and sad at the same time. Scary the way the world works.

08-28-2015, 11:24 AM
Sorry ruthless you won't convince any of the Steelers nutswingers that Vic is a piece of shit and dosnt deserve to be on a team. I'm not sure if there is a crime that could be too heinous to not brush off as long as he could handle a ball. The steelers would hire bin laden if he wasn't dead and he could rush like bettis. As long as he "serves his time". A kid toucher will be next on the NFL roster

These guys are professional athletes not choir boys. I don't give a shit what their moral standards are, they are there to entertain and play a game.