04-07-2016, 04:49 PM
I was wondering if anyone had an answer for my problem. I have a 1989 Mustang GT. Its a 302 5 speed. The motor was just rebuilt. My friends and I did most of the work. It was bored out to a 306, keith black pistions, stock rods, a remanufactured crank to stock specs, new bearings, comp cam with new bearings, a new oil pump, heads are factory with new seals, shaved and a cold air intake with the rest being stock. After we got everthing buttoned up we primed the motor, it was reading great pressure while priming it with a drill. When I started the car is was reading very low on the guage. Since it was the stock guage I went out a got a mechinical one and disconected the sensor and plugged the new guage in. Now it reads 5-8 psi when I start it up. After this I let the car sit for about 3 months until I got a new distributer for it. I took off the coil wire and turned the car over for about 10 mins then started it up. Im still getting about 5-8 psi at idle and when it reves up it will go up to about 15-20 at 2000-2500 rpm and at 3000 rpm it about 25-28 psi. Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be? Thanks for reading and the help.