View Full Version : Help! Killed my battery - Recharged it - Now I'm afraid of it

05-14-2016, 11:46 AM
So, somebody left the dome light ON in the MX-5. Pretty sure it wasn't me. It was either a poltergeist or Wifey (who rightfully so, suspects that I may take it and trade it in one day) who I'm pretty sure has motive to sabotage it. But I digress... found it DEAD Thursday. Put the Battery Tender on car. It blinked red which means battery is under 3V and probably won't take a charge,,, then it turned solid red after about an hour. I assumed it was charging and left it on there for about 24 hours. Come home from work yesterday and it's still solid red. I assumed it charged it somewhat, so I open the door (which I have the dome light switched back to DOOR ONLY), the light does not come on and the Tender starts blinking red again... Ok, I'm fuct, so I decide to pull battery out of car and put on old school charger. Left it on there overnight (about 18 hours). It reads "fully charged" this morning. I take old school charger off and put Tender on it and it's solid green.

So, am I good to go or not. I have read that if you let a battery totally UN-charge like I did, even though you can RE-charge it, now it's a little suspect and might randomly kill itself. Or, is that baloney and it's charged back up and good to go???

I don't want to go get my nails did and come out to a dead battery. :biggrin:

Thanks for any input! :thumbsup:

05-14-2016, 12:45 PM
how old is the battery? usually we see them usually have issues if they are killed... sometimes thats not the case though, the girlfriend killed her batter in her avenger last week and has not acted up ever since. fires up every morning... the test will be tomorrow with the cold.

05-14-2016, 12:48 PM
I don't know. The car is 2007, but the battery says Panasonic on it, so I assume it's not original. I bought car 3 years ago... so it's at least over 3 years old.

05-14-2016, 02:18 PM
Similar thing happened to my Mustang recently, but my fault. Completely killed it. It took my little black and decker charger a couple days to charge it, and I had to keep disconnecting and reconnecting it.
Seems perfectly fine now after a complete charge.

05-14-2016, 05:13 PM
does it smell bad ?

05-14-2016, 10:00 PM
No, but I didn't get super close to it. I did check the old school charger and battery for heat late last night. I started the car today, but did not drive it. The security light is blinking and the dome light seems pretty strong when I open the door. Will start it and put some miles on it tomorrow.

I have found posts all over the internet that have 100% opposing opinions. Some peeps say it's shot after one total Dis-Charge and others say if you bring it back to life with a decent charger, it's A-OK.

It's not a daily driver, so we'll let it ride and see how it plays out... next time it's dead, straight to Auto Zone for a new one. End of story !!!

06-01-2016, 01:54 PM
Well, hasn't been holding a charge. Car starts, drive car, put back on Tender, red overnight or more. Took it to Auto Zone, tested it. BAD!

So, just for future reference, even if you bring it back from the dead with a deep cycle charge, still might be gone.

06-02-2016, 09:38 AM
Well, hasn't been holding a charge. Car starts, drive car, put back on Tender, red overnight or more. Took it to Auto Zone, tested it. BAD!

So, just for future reference, even if you bring it back from the dead with a deep cycle charge, still might be gone.

This happened to me after I left my battery uncharged over the winter, then put the battery tender on it instead of letting it charge all winter in the house. It randomly died on my a few weeks afterwards, luckily still under warranty.

06-02-2016, 09:48 AM
It was original battery, too. So, it was 9 years old. Funny, guy at Auto Zone was trying to find the cranking amps and he didn't have his readers on... squinting at the side of the battery, then he says, "This is in Japanese!"