View Full Version : Looking for a electrical short hunter

01-03-2017, 05:39 PM
1989 mustang, no dome or under dash lighting & nothing in the rear hatch either. #8 in the fuse box is hot all the time. It has a 15amp fuse & blows right in your hand when installing. I'm no good with electrical problems, so i looking for a electric genius. Thanks! Fran

01-05-2017, 03:51 PM
Got an overload somewhere or open circuit. Check under the fuse box for any corrosion anywhere? I'm sure you can find a wiring diagram online somewhere, then just start tracing wires.

01-26-2017, 10:46 PM
make sure your grounds are good

01-27-2017, 10:52 AM
Have a wiring diagram, but that don't help. #8 fuse is light green with yellow. dome light, underdash lights & power mirrors, glove box light & rear hatch light.

02-10-2017, 04:25 PM
Where are you located at?

02-11-2017, 12:11 PM
Butler, pa