View Full Version : lights dont work

05-10-2007, 10:40 PM
After checking every known fuse to man, I still couldnt get my parking lights, tail lights and interior cluster to work. I was lost until I started turning and moving the light switch.

It came on for a second while I was messing with it but the lights wont stay on. So..... Anyone know how that switch comes apart or have had a similar problem.

This is on a 95 gt.

05-10-2007, 10:44 PM
Sounds like the switch is bad.

05-10-2007, 10:47 PM
i think so, cause my brake lights come on when u hit the brakes, and with the 4 ways the parking lights turn on.

U know how much that is or how i can get that plastic piece off so I can pull the cluster?

I wanted to play with my new gears tonight too. :grumpy:

05-11-2007, 06:45 AM
yup its the switch.. Just take it out and test it with a meter. They are about 80bucks for a dealership i think i will check on that tomorrow for ya

05-11-2007, 11:30 AM
Well, i got the cluster out and after further inspection.... It was just loose wires. I pushed them back on and it seems good to go. However, I think i broke the plastic knob off that u pull and turn. lol I was too tired to look at it closer last night. I'll fix that somehow, it may not even be broke, i was just too tired too mess with it.

atleast my lights work now.

Thanks guys

05-11-2007, 11:33 AM
Well, i got the cluster out and after further inspection.... It was just loose wires. I pushed them back on and it seems good to go. However, I think i broke the plastic knob off that u pull and turn. lol I was too tired to look at it closer last night. I'll fix that somehow, it may not even be broke, i was just too tired too mess with it.

atleast my lights work now.

Thanks guys

when i installed a billit knob i always broke the old one off too. :biglaugh: