View Full Version : Vent Problem

06-13-2007, 08:36 AM
I am having a problem with my vents on the dash board and under the dashboard. Whenever I turn on the right knob to “vent”, and the left knob onto high (or any setting) nothing comes out the vents, however I can hear the blower/fan spinning. I tried putting the right knob on regular and “max” A/C and turned it to cold and still nothing comes out the vents. I tried putting the right knob on the “floor” setting (to blow on my feet) and turn the fan knob on high and nothing comes out, yet I hear the fan/blower running. (I do feel a little heat but nothing like what should be coming out)

Finally, I tried the defrost vent setting (to blow on the windshield) and that one does work and is the only setting that I can actually feel any air come out of any of the vents.

What seems to be the problem? It was working a few days ago. Is it the heater core? Is there something blocking the vents? The A/C is charged and I have used it this summer already, so I know that works.

Please let me know what you think and what to check. Thank you in advance.

06-13-2007, 08:46 AM
Sounds like you have a vacum line off. Check near the firewall on the passenger side where the heatercore lines come out of the firewall, there will be a thin black vacum line there. That is the line that supplies the vacum for the heating system and controls the solenoid (Gold Canister looking thing with a vacum line and control lever on it under the dash) that works the vent selector. Also check the vacum connector behind the glovebox for a disconnected line. If all the vacum lines are hooked up, then the selector solenoid more than likely went bad.

06-13-2007, 09:40 AM
Thanks Ed. I checked the vaccum line near the heater hoses. The line is intact. It goes into a "tree" of 3 different lines just above the A/C canister (i think).

Anyway, there is a line that runs out the right side of this "tree" (looking from front of car) and goes across the firewall the the other "tree" on the drivers side. This line is broken at both ends and is marked "A/C" on the vaccum tree on the drivers side.

Where can I get a new vac line? Advance Auto or the Ford Dealership?

Do you think this is causing the problem?

06-13-2007, 09:55 AM
That will cause the problem you have. A quick fix is to slimply slip a piece of rubber tubing over the line that will be a snug fit, or you can replace the entire line with rubber tubing. If you're slipping a piece over the plastic line, put 2 wire ties on each end to ensure a good seal around the tubing.

06-14-2007, 12:48 PM
Ok, I went to Advance Auto and bought a 3’ piece of black plastic vacuum line and 2 rubber connector ends. I put the rubber connectors on each end of the line and hooked them to the appropriate nipples. STILL DOESN’T WORK!!!

I will check under the passenger side dashboard tonight to see if I see anything. Any other suggestions???

06-15-2007, 08:44 AM
Well, I have no answers, but now the vents, A/C, and all settings are working.

Yesterday I bought the replacement vac line and rubber nipples at lunch time and installed it in the parking lot. Nothing worked. So I drove back to work and the car sat all day till 5pm. I took the car down the road to a local car cruise and parked it there for a few hours. On the way home (around 8pm), I decided to try the vents again and everything worked fine.

Maybe is needed to reset the system or something??

Anyway thanks for all the help Ed.

06-15-2007, 08:49 AM
Maybe is needed to reset the system or something??

There's nothing to reset, either it has vacum or it doesn't. If it continues to act sporadic, I would change the vacum canister that controls the vent position. It may be starting to stick and go bad. Since it is working now, look under the dash on the passenger side and watch it move as you change between vents, floor, defroster so if it stops working again, you'll know what part you're looking at to see if that's the problem. Remember, to have the car running when looking at it.

06-15-2007, 08:55 AM
Thanks Ed. I didnt think anything needed reset and assumed it would work instantly after I hooked it up. That is why I was confused why it didn't work.

I'll check the vacuum canister out and keep an eye on it.