View Full Version : My AOD bit the dust last night :(

07-15-2007, 12:33 PM
Well I spent Satuday working on my 91LX to get her ready to drag race this Sunday. So the last thing I needed was a little gas since she was next to empty. I filled her up and went to pull out of the gas station. I pulled out in 1st and right as I shifted into 2nd at 5,800rpm she made a loud thump as she shifted. After it did it I noticed that she wouldn't go as I gave her gas. So I put her in "N" and coasted off highway onto a side road. Well once I got her stopped she wouldn't move in any postion including reverse. So I called dad and we trailered the car home and put her on the lift. Started her up to see if the wheels tried to move, but it was a no go. We put the car up in the air and no leaks or any sign of external damage. So something inside of the tranny gave up.

So it's time to pull the tranny. What would you guys do?? I'm going to pick up another AOD and install my PA street/strip valve body into it for a temp fix. Would you guys go with a built AOD or should I suck it up and lose my overdrive and go with a C4?? Perfromace Automatic isn't that far from my house and I was thinking about taking my blown AOD down and having them use it as the core for a rebuilt trany. What to do??

07-15-2007, 12:49 PM
I would do the built AOD..no reason to give up overdrive with the price of gas.

07-15-2007, 01:05 PM
I would do the built AOD..no reason to give up overdrive with the price of gas.


07-15-2007, 04:58 PM
PM ViperEd, he might be able to help you:goodidea:

07-15-2007, 05:07 PM
C4's are ok on the street but you must keep them cool.

I had the exact same thing happen to my C4 about 2 months ago and it turned out that I snapped a hardened input shaft on the street with drag radials. When the input shaft broke my car hit the rev limiter so hard it shut the car off. whe I pulled the tranny I could not remove the torque converter and the tranny guy had to drill the snout and tap it to "pull" the converter off.

P.S. mine is a Pa Super Comp C4 good for ~1000 hp with the upgraded inputshaft


07-15-2007, 08:36 PM
PM ViperEd, he might be able to help you:goodidea:
He could have it ready to pick up prolly tomorrow night if needed.:thumbsup:

07-15-2007, 09:00 PM

I have this:


I purchased it along with alot of other stuff from Quik. I was going to put it up for $500. PM if you're interested.