View Full Version : 95 GT Sputter

08-03-2007, 08:28 PM
I have a sputter from 5K RPM and up. I think it is the fuel pump but any of you SN95 guys know something I dont? I just changed the cap/rotor and fuel filter. The plugs read good, almost a lean read but not bad. :veryhappy:

08-03-2007, 08:47 PM
you got the stock blaster coil in that beast?

08-03-2007, 08:53 PM
you got the stock blaster coil in that beast?

MSD Blaster.

08-03-2007, 09:25 PM
It's called you're at about the end of the useful range of the valves in it. It's not a Foxbody that you're used to reving to 7k!

08-03-2007, 09:31 PM
i shifted mine around 5700..

08-03-2007, 09:32 PM
it may be fuel pump.. i was having the same problem..

08-03-2007, 09:35 PM
It's called you're at about the end of the useful range of the valves in it. It's not a Foxbody that you're used to reving to 7k!


Of coarse though, mine kinda does the same thing. Colin was there for the one time it happened. I was linking it to low fuel. I had less that a 1/4 tank, ripped on it and it fell on its face at the 1-2 power shift. Then it just came back to a normal running again. Then it happened once again last weekend with over 1/2 tank of fuel. So now I just am thinking its a bad pump.

Pure Stock
08-03-2007, 10:11 PM
It's called you're at about the end of the useful range of the valves in it. It's not a Foxbody that you're used to reving to 7k!

You mean valvesprings:D

08-03-2007, 11:07 PM
It's called you're at about the end of the useful range of the valves in it. It's not a Foxbody that you're used to reving to 7k!

Oh well. I will do a fuel pump and GT40 intake. This is my every day skit, I’m not going to do heads....lol. I actually spent the last hour cleaning up the ports on the Explorer intake. For the round ports, I used a brake honing kit. I will work the rest with a dremmel after I mark of some gaskets.

Here is the thing. This car is SLOW. I think this is my 9th 5.0 and it is the slowest. Don’t get me wrong, I love the car and the SN 95s are growing on me. But I got spanked by an 01-04 GT about 5 times coming home from work Thursday. When I was at about 5200 it was popping like a lean pop. I know this fat pig needs more fuel.

With me fixing up my house and building this 428 66, Tremmic in the 64, paint and clean up of the notch, the 95 has a budget of only maintenance.

08-03-2007, 11:11 PM
yea mine started out like that but then it started to get better butstill not as fast as i wanted it to be

08-03-2007, 11:13 PM

08-03-2007, 11:43 PM
A fairly stock 99 ^ 4.6 will pull a fairly stock 5.0 (any year) all day. Don't get discouraged. :awsome:

Yea my 00 ran real good. I think with some more spark, air, and fuel I will get this boat rollin. Even with E7 heads! (Ed, I will have this thing singing above 6K)!

95 GT = project junk yard go fast parts.

Pure Stock
08-03-2007, 11:55 PM
Oh well. I will do a fuel pump and GT40 intake. This is my every day skit, I’m not going to do heads....lol. I actually spent the last hour cleaning up the ports on the Explorer intake. For the round ports, I used a brake honing kit. I will work the rest with a dremmel after I mark of some gaskets.

Here is the thing. This car is SLOW. I think this is my 9th 5.0 and it is the slowest. Don’t get me wrong, I love the car and the SN 95s are growing on me. But I got spanked by an 01-04 GT about 5 times coming home from work Thursday. When I was at about 5200 it was popping like a lean pop. I know this fat pig needs more fuel.

With me fixing up my house and building this 428 66, Tremmic in the 64, paint and clean up of the notch, the 95 has a budget of only maintenance.

They are not as slow as most would "think" they are.... The 4.6 P.I. 2V is gonna be in front unless you dive into H/C/I or a power adder. Perhaps a diet would put ya nose to nose as well. Getting a decent gear ( 4 series) is paramount on the list of mods for obvious reasons.

They are not, let me repeat 15 sec. rides. (manual trans coupes) with a couple of free mods they have the potential to generate 13 second e.t.'s. :awsome:

08-03-2007, 11:59 PM

08-04-2007, 12:01 AM
They are no as slow as most would "think" they are.... The 4.6 P.I. 2V is gonna be in front unless you dive into H/C/I or a power adder. Perhaps a diet would put ya nose to nose as well. Getting a decent gear ( 4 series) is paramount on the list of mods for obvious reasons.

They are not, let me repeat 15 sec. rides. (manual trans coupes) with a couple of free mods they have the potential to generate 13 second e.t.'s. :awsome:

Well the car has 3:73 or 4:10s. I need to figure that one out. Either way, the thing just feels so slow. lol

08-04-2007, 12:02 AM
36 minutes in between... what are you drinking? I'm just happy I could spell "discouraged". :lazy:

No, I just had a rootcanal....so it is drugs! lol... Junk yard parts are almost free? lol

Pure Stock
08-04-2007, 12:02 AM
Well the car has 3:73 or 4:10s. I need to figure that one out. Either way, the thing just feels so slow. lol

Where's the base timing dialed in at on the SN-95?

08-04-2007, 12:07 AM
Where's the base timing dialed in at on the SN-95?

lol funny story. I couldn’t find the spout for about 30 min. Finally it found it by the MAFS. So, when I checked base, it was 10*. I took it up to almost 14* with a LOT of pinging around 3k or WOT. This is the other reason I think I am running lean.

Pure Stock
08-04-2007, 12:09 AM
Wow, pingin' that low. Fuel filter and or fuel pump replacement may be in order. Perhaps getting a fuel pressure gauge is another option to see what really is up.

08-04-2007, 12:09 AM
I'd throw in a gss340 255lph fuel pump, new pro-m maf, and bump the timing to 14 degree's or so along w/ some 93 octane, that should wake this thing up a little. If your valvsprings are shot then i'd throw the trick flow replacement springs in there, they are only like $130 for the whole kit.

08-04-2007, 12:10 AM
Wow, pingin' that low. Fuel filter and or fuel pump replacement may be in order.

Filter = done. Just did that a few hours ago. It has to be the pump.

08-04-2007, 12:16 AM
I'd throw in a gss340 255lph fuel pump, new pro-m maf, and bump the timing to 14 degree's or so along w/ some 93 octane, that should wake this thing up a little. If your valvsprings are shot then i'd throw the trick flow replacement springs in there, they are only like $130 for the whole kit.

Exactly. Everything is pointing to weak fuel pump. I have a 190 from the notch but I need to put that in Danielles GT. Looks like I will be smelling gas next weekend all weekend! lol

Pure Stock
08-04-2007, 12:23 AM
Exactly. Everything is pointing to weak fuel pump. I have a 190 from the notch but I need to put that in Danielles GT. Looks like I will be smelling gas next weekend all weekend! lol

Gas or Nitrous nobody parties for free:rollingfloorrlol: :rollingfloorrlol: :rollingfloorrlol:

08-04-2007, 12:26 AM
Gas or Nitrous nobody parties for free:rollingfloorrlol: :rollingfloorrlol: :rollingfloorrlol:

Freakin Quagmire

Pure Stock
08-04-2007, 12:26 AM

08-04-2007, 12:28 AM

Yea that dude is funny - Chad works for me selling education. He is all over the place.

08-12-2007, 01:05 AM
When the car was going above 5k The volts where going way down. It needed an new alt. Since I did that, there isnt any more sputter. I think the car was loosing spark up high due to bad carging.