View Full Version : CobraRR93 Anybody know this guy??

08-20-2007, 10:58 AM
I hate to do this but after about 5 attempts(private messages with no response) to get my money back from this guy i thought i would post it here. Here goes the story. 2 weeks ago(on a thursday night) I met this dude at quaker steak and lube in pleasant hills to pick up some mil eliminators. Well at first i thought the price was to high but i needed them so i proceeded. Upon going to jeffs place(1st try engineering) and getting my car on the lift and everything done,the last thing was connecting the mils. Well to my surprise the mils were o2 extensions. Now i know some might say y didnt u look at them when u bought them but it was 10 at night and they were in a bag and i drove over a 30 min to meet this dude and i just wanted to get back home. Now fast forward, the other day he finally sends me a message back saying he doesnt want to do bad buisness and hes been busy and such and he grabbed the wrong thing. He said he would either give me the correct item or give me my money back?? He said he could meet me last thur or sat(its now monday) The funny thing is that he has posted on this site after i sent him the messages so he obviously got my messages??. Not to rant anymore but nobody likes to feel like they've been ripped off when all i asked of this dude was to atleast call me. I've pm'd him my number a couple of times also. Anyways anyone know this dude or a number i can contact him at?? Any help would be great. Thanks

08-20-2007, 01:39 PM
PM one of the mods to let them know whats going on.

08-20-2007, 01:57 PM
PM one of the mods to let them know whats going on.

thats what i would do

08-20-2007, 04:37 PM
Sounds good. Hopefully they've already seen this.:D

08-20-2007, 05:11 PM
That sucks, Rob. But, how does the car sound and run? :goodidea: Did the light come on yet? In very rare instances, some off-road pipes won't trip your CEL. I had a buddy with a Dr. Gas o/r x and his car's light never came on. Maybe you'll get lucky.

Oh, and CobraRR93, don't rip this dude off for like what $40-$50. WTF? :confuse:

Do the right thing. :phone:

08-20-2007, 05:59 PM
That sucks, Rob. But, how does the car sound and run? :goodidea: Did the light come on yet? In very rare instances, some off-road pipes won't trip your CEL. I had a buddy with a Dr. Gas o/r x and his car's light never came on. Maybe you'll get lucky.

Oh, and CobraRR93, don't rip this dude off for like what $40-$50. WTF? :confuse:

Do the right thing. :phone:

Each one is different. My 2000 2V light went on after 5 miles without them 99 4V went for about 100 miles before.

08-20-2007, 06:18 PM
he has been really busy, I'll mention it tonight....he doesn't really get on ever....just had to drop 10k into his cobra...and not for fun mods....

mineralrob....sorry, I forgot to mention it...I've been working 15 hour days and I'm sure people have noticed not posting much...simple mix up

maybe he should sell something he just bought to pay rob back.....

bad business on here... NOT GOOD

08-20-2007, 06:21 PM
my 01 has them removed completely and no light at all - runs great.

08-20-2007, 10:06 PM
That sucks, Rob. But, how does the car sound and run? :goodidea: Did the light come on yet? In very rare instances, some off-road pipes won't trip your CEL. I had a buddy with a Dr. Gas o/r x and his car's light never came on. Maybe you'll get lucky.

Oh, and CobraRR93, don't rip this dude off for like what $40-$50. WTF? :confuse:

Do the right thing. :phone:

Man it sounds great. My face was like christmas once it was done and i revved it up. Night and day diffrence from having just mufflers. It seems to pull alittle harder and i love the sound. The light stayed off for 4 days then it came on.

Edit and i like i said. I didnt want to put this dude on the spot like this but how else was i supp to get his attention. How busy are u that u tell me what days are good to meet,then u dont respond. We all live busy lives but its called priorities. I'm not trying to make a big deal about this, but in the end it's bad buisness. It was $40 for some used mils.

08-20-2007, 10:11 PM
No matter how busy, you have to do the right thing. I go out of my way when I sell somthing because thats the way I want to be treated when I am buying.

08-20-2007, 10:13 PM
I completely agree rob.

he has the money and he said he would meet with him the next day....he made the mistake of bringing the wrong part, but he tried to make it right. he also said that he'd be at bike night the following wednesday..which he was...

rob you have his number...you called and txted him how many times...and you got it from my origianl post which is still here. Not everyone gets on here everyday.

No i dont have his number cause if i did i would've called?? The number that he pmd i deleted cause my inbox was full and that was before i even purchased them. He didnt say he would meet me the next day, he said he was available thur or sat.The point is,he sold me the wrong part,offered a refund then i never heard from him. We're all adults and you know when u owe someone money and you just plain ignore them. If you tell me its good to meet thursday or sat then never get back to me, what am i supp to think. Honestly theres no excuse really. Its almost tuesday and i bought these 2 weeks ago.

Well if u talk to him have him give me a ring.lol. Thanks

412 478 9689


lib88stang i agree.

08-20-2007, 10:23 PM
number is in the same place you got it origianally...in the post where the parts were. sorry you can't say were are adults and say you don't have his number when you have called and txtd him....you should be responsible enough to save the number or keep it somewhere. besides he said he would meet you the next day or at bike night, he was at bike night....where were you? I really don't want in the middle of this, but he doesn't get on and post and its not right that your going to accuse him of all this sh!t, when he isn't on here to respond.

Y should i save his number?? I guess i should've checked the post but i was referring to my pm box. Your right this has nothing to do with you and since your are his gf,friend,etc i figured you could pass the word. Thats it. I never asked for you to come in the thread in start defending him. I just want the money back thats it. I can meet him tonight,tom whenever. All i ever asked of him was for him to call me. I sent that a couple of times in pm's. Also to mention again. He never said he would meet me at bike night. I've no clue where your getting that from. He said quote on quote. I CAN MEET YOU THURS OR SAT. I responded saying thur was good and to call me to let me know that he was going to be there. I wasnt going to drive 30 min for nothing. That same day(last thur) i even went to the library on my lunch break to use the computer to check and see if i had a message but i didnt.

Once again to clarify i never asked u to be in the middle of this. Me personally if i know i owe someone money on a website. I would find the time to atleast log on and check my messages to see whats going on. . Another thing he owes ME money, y should i've to call and track him down?? C'mon that doesnt even make sense after i pm'd him several times asking him to give me a call to let me know what the deal was.

08-20-2007, 10:28 PM
Not adding fuel, but I wouldn't put anything on a site for sale that I don't regularly check. And nobody exspects to get riped from someone local on a local site. I have bought tons on here and had no problems, but one person can ruin alot.

08-20-2007, 10:31 PM
The parts in my glove compartment. Asap would be good,like i said tonight,tom??. I understand you defending him but when your wrong your wrong. Plain and simple.

08-20-2007, 10:37 PM
he put it on because I get on here. rob had his number to call when he had a problem. and they did. I agree too much time has lapsed, but I think that is mainly because of bad communication....

Once again wrong info. I never talked to him on the phone after i figured out that the part was wrong. I blame myself for not checking it out but on my defense it was 10 30 at night and i drove over 30min to meet him. For someone that has a TT cobra you would think he would kno the diffrence between mils and o2 extensions. Granted if he grabbed the wrong thing thats fine cause we all make mistakes. I pm'd him letting him know that the part was wrong. I've never spoke to him on the phone since the night when we met.

08-20-2007, 11:16 PM
The guy who doesn't get on all the time was on today 10 am. I hope this gets cleared up, 40.00 is not worth the grief of people thinking your dishonest.:awsome:

08-20-2007, 11:44 PM
The guy who doesn't get on all the time was on today 10 am. I hope this gets cleared up, 40.00 is not worth the grief of people thinking your dishonest.:awsome:

Well said i agree wow 40 bucks.

08-21-2007, 11:20 PM
i agree with lib. i wouldnt sell something on a site that im never on. a lot of times that site is the only means of communication between the two people and if your ignoring someone on a site why wouldnt they do the same with thier phone. $.02

Wolfpack Speed
08-22-2007, 02:34 AM
Well said i agree wow 40 bucks.x3...this thread is retarded!!! there is absolutely no excuse for this at all!!! there has been plenty of time to make this right on the sellers part PERIOD!!! to make matters worse, seller has a fellow board member (girlfriend/friend or whatever) that has clearly communicated with him yet there is still no resolution and a bunch of excuses?????????? what a joke!!! leadership can delete my post, edit it or whatever floats there boat...point is...


i don't care how you sell or where you sell or if your a vendor, shop owner or just your everyday enthusiast selling off parts!!!


ok im going to bed now...long day tomorrow:3gears:

08-22-2007, 06:38 AM
Hopefully this get solved asap. I still have not heard from him and i beleive it was mentioned by one sweet day that his phone number was in the post that he made in the for sale section. Well maybe i'm blind but i just checked and its not there?? So how can i call him?

This is straight from his post.

Predator Tuner, used once- $225
MAC Off Road Pipe, on car for roughly 2500 miles, like new- $180
Cold Air Intake on car for 2500 miles- $100
FRPP MIL Eliminatorson car 2500 miles- $45 SOLD!!!!
12"inch Infinity Sub in new box w/300 watt amp and all wiring, hits hard with bigger amp, keeping my 1000 watt amp sorry- $150

All parts are like brand new, the car was a garage queen and babied by my 50 year old father, they are all off a 04 anniversary GT. I can meet you and i can negotiate a little on the prices but not much. If your interested please get ahold of me here, these parts need to go quick i am moving and do not want to pack them with my stuff.


08-22-2007, 08:00 AM
It was in "HER" original post about the stuff for sale. I just realized that I was asking questions about the CAI in both threads. I didn't know they were related... the threads.


EDIT: I sure am glad I didn't buy that CAI. Who knows what I would've got in my bag !?!?!?

08-22-2007, 12:48 PM
Bottom line is seller needs to make it right ASAP, if he just put 10 grand in his car I'm sure he can come up with 40 bucks. Do the right thing and pay the man.

08-22-2007, 01:52 PM
in the end u are both in the wrong hope it gets cleared up however i dont think running the guys name through the mud is the best way to get things done

i also felt this way that is why i figured mine would be deleted as well thats why i made the comment

We are not trying to decide whos is at fault in this thread, just trying to get it resolved. That is why I deleted Mill creeks post. I would do the same for you or anyone else on here.

08-22-2007, 02:17 PM
None of this was a problem until i told him the part was wrong,then never got a response. It wasnt a big deal cause he told me he grabbed the wrong part and at that point it was cool. Things went sour when i proceeded to pm him and not get anything back.

I just got ahold of him. I'm supp to meet him tonight at ten so we'll see.

08-22-2007, 05:28 PM
None of this was a problem until i told him the part was wrong,then never got a response. It wasnt a big deal cause he told me he grabbed the wrong part and at that point it was cool. Things went sour when i proceeded to pm him and not get anything back.

I just got ahold of him. I'm supp to meet him tonight at ten so we'll see.

well good luck. post up if things are resolved :goodidea:

08-22-2007, 11:25 PM
All i can say is wow.lol. Well its 11:13.Once again i drove over 30min and to make a long story short no one showed. Ok here goes the story and the order of events straight from my phone. Grab some popcorn.lol

9:42 Will be there in 15

9:43 Let me know when your there i will have my brother bring u the money.

9:43 Sounds good.

9:45 I'm in the mustang

9:57 ok i'll let himi know. his is wearing a black and orange repsol honda jacket.

9:58 ok

9:59. I'm sitting in the first row

10:00 aight i will let him know. sorry i am not there i am goin in for chest xrays i might have broke my sternum.

Now thats the last text message i got from him and its ironic it was exactly at ten when he was supp to be there. I sent a bunch of other texts to him but they've no meaning. I finally said screw texting and called him at 10:16 and got no answer so i called again got no answer then i left a message. At 10:21 i get a call back from someone on his phone saying give him ten min cause hes in the hospital and hes going to try and get a hold of his brother for me. So i waited till 10:40 called back and got no answer then said screw it. I'm falling asleep,no sign of this guy in a repsol jacket and no sign of him responding to my text or calls. Its late, i dont feel like dealing with this anymore. I've tried to be patient and was even nice to the guy who called me even though i wanted to tell him how i really felt. I'll let u guys/gals be the judge about this guy. Goodnight.lol


Edit here goes a pic of proof that i was sitting there in the front row waiting.lol

08-22-2007, 11:31 PM
What kind of tool scams somebody for 40 bucks. Looks like you're screwed.

08-22-2007, 11:32 PM
What kind of tool scams somebody for 40 bucks. Looks like you're screwed.

I agree. I was atleast hoping to fill up my tank with that $40.:D

08-22-2007, 11:33 PM
I would have to agree with WOW!!! :hang:

Hey Dana, since you seem to know this other guy Rob is trying to get his money from, why don't you see if you can get it for him. If not, I'm almost feeling compelled to give Rob $40 just to put this to bed already!

08-22-2007, 11:40 PM
man what a doush bag...... makin excuses why he didnt show

MAN UP ALREADY, ALL ROB WANTS IS A REFUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-22-2007, 11:50 PM
Hey Rob... I know this doesn't fix this situation, but I've see some people on Stangnet and other forums talking about making homemade MILS from stuff at radio shack. If somebody here got some skills, maybe they can turn those o2 extensions into a "closed loop" so your computer just thinks everything is cool.

I am, by no means an electrician, but I think this is how it works?

08-22-2007, 11:55 PM
[quote=Troll;58029]Hey Rob... I know this doesn't fix this situation, but I've see some people on Stangnet and other forums talking about making homemade MILS from stuff at radio shack. If somebody here got some skills, maybe they can turn those o2 extensions into a "closed loop" so your computer just thinks everything is cool.

I am, by no means an electrician, but I think this is how it works?[/quote

Yea i read about those. I think i'm going to pickup a handheld tuner.

08-22-2007, 11:58 PM
Im closing this thread and making it a sticky in the classified section. I removed his for sale posts to further protect someone else from getting boned. Rob, please shoot me a PM if this gets resolved and ill post an update.

08-22-2007, 11:59 PM
This is way out of hand! I would stop being "nice" after this one.
Good luck getting your money back from this "person".