View Full Version : Need opinions from gun dudes on a SHOTGUN!

09-21-2006, 10:56 PM
I'm thinking about buying a shotgun for home defense. I have a few pistols and an old Winchester .30.30 my grandfather gave me. shhhhh.

I don't shoot that often, but up until two weeks ago I felt pretty confident that I could take somebody out with my .357. skip right to the bottom now if you don't want to read my long, stupid story. :rotflol:

Just a forethought to my story: It was a Saturday night and me and the misses had a few bottles of wine and some beers so apparently, I slept through this whole thing which I still cannot believe.

A neighbor told us the next day what happened. Supposedley, a couple idiots (only in Fayette County) shot a deer behind our house which is on her farm. Then, they proceeded to tie the poor bastard to a quad and drag him through part of our yard and out onto the road. They drug him down the road about 1/8 mile and loaded him up on a pick-up and drove away. The neighbor (which is still beyond my logical comprehension) DID NOT CALL THE POLICE??? !!! She said she couldn't make out the quad, truck or people. Just for the record and after further inspection, there were quad tracks in our yard and a big bloody trail on the road.

Needless to say, :madashell: and I feel like a victim even though I don't know of what crime. So, I want to get some real firepower and take some muther fukkers out if I have to. So, here's the gun I'm looking at:

I can't post a pic for some reason. Here's the link: http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/sh03-e.htm

It's a Mossberg Model 500 "cruiser" 20-inch, 12-gauge, pump-action, holds 8.

What do y'all think?

09-21-2006, 11:25 PM
I own one and I love it! You're more than welcome to come shoot it before you buy one if you want. Mine is a 590 with the top folding stock, but basically the same gun. Just pick up 100 rounds of 12 ga. at Wal-Mart and let me know when you want to shoot it.

09-21-2006, 11:28 PM
Here's a picture of it. I paid $225 for it used.

09-21-2006, 11:30 PM
I own one and I love it! You're more than welcome to come shoot it before you buy one if you want. Mine is a 590 with the top folding stock, but basically the same gun. Just pick up 100 rounds of 12 ga. at Wal-Mart and let me know when you want to shoot it.
Thanks Ed. If I had any time, I'd take you up on the offer. I trust you when you say YOU love it.

The old man at the gun shop told me that 12-gauge shotguns cause "terrible clean-ups" if you have to shoot somebody in your house. I said, "Yeah, well I'd rather be alive and cleaning skull and blood off the ceiling than be dead." :goodidea:

09-21-2006, 11:32 PM
I got a Mossburg 500 for Turkey hunting and love it, it patterns as tight as my Dads Rem 870 with a hastings choke.

09-21-2006, 11:36 PM
After further thought on the incident, I'm rather glad I slept through the whole thing. I don't know WTF I would've done if I saw these idiots going through my yard. Would I have confronted them in my drunken state with a .357 or 9MM. They really did not commit any crime against me and I would not want to take a pistol to a rifle fight. But, it really bothers me that these clowns probably think I sat in my house and watched them and didn't do anything. :pointlaff:

Point is, It would be nice to go out on the porch in my boxers and clunk one in the chamber of a shotgun and yell "Get the F out my yard, fools!"

09-21-2006, 11:37 PM
Thanks Ed. If I had any time, I'd take you up on the offer. I trust you when you say YOU love it.

The old man at the gun shop told me that 12-gauge shotguns cause "terrible clean-ups" if you have to shoot somebody in your house. I said, "Yeah, well I'd rather be alive and cleaning skull and blood off the ceiling than be dead." :goodidea:

I honestly think it's my favorit gun to shoot. The 100 round Valu-Pak of shells at Wal-Mart makes it cheap to shoot and the empty shell casings are fun to throw in the air and shoot them out of the sky after you've destroied all of your targets. You can't go wrong!!!

Mine is loaded with "Birdshot" 1st to give a wide spread to cover a large area 1st, followed by 00 Buck to put a hole in a muther f$cker! The shells alternate this way till the gun's empty.

I figure I can stun them with the 1st shot enough to open their head up with the next!

09-21-2006, 11:40 PM
I figure I can stun them with the 1st shot enough to open their head up with the next!
Sweet! You really are a sick 4uck. How many balls are in a 00 Buck shell?

09-21-2006, 11:41 PM
FYI, the Top Folding Stock can be purchased by itself for around $60 and is nice because it gives you the option to use it more like the traditional shotgun if you want to aim and fire it from the shoulder position.

09-21-2006, 11:41 PM
Sweet! You really are a sick 4uck. How many balls are in a 00 Buck shell?

I can't remember if it's 6 or 8 in a 3" Mag.

09-21-2006, 11:44 PM
I can't remember if it's 6 or 8 in a 3" Mag.
Can you put more than 8 in the tube if you use 2 3/4" ? Just a thought.

09-21-2006, 11:46 PM
Can you put more than 8 in the tube if you use 2 3/4" ? Just a thought.

Haven't tried it. If you really want a good home defense gun, you can come out and we'll let you shoot a full-auto Uzi, Thompson or Sterling. Only bad part is you'll be spending all the money you got from your car plus to buy one.

09-21-2006, 11:49 PM
Haven't tried it. If you really want a good home defense gun, you can come out and we'll let you shoot a full-auto Uzi, Thompson or Sterling. Only bad part is you'll be spending all the money you got from your car plus to buy one.
Put it on the gangsta tilt and spray and pray. No thanks. I know a PA trooper who owns a fully auto .50 cal Browning (I think). His goal is to saw through about a 4-foot diameter tree by the end of the summer. hahahaha

09-21-2006, 11:52 PM
Put it on the gangsta tilt and spray and pray. No thanks. I know a PA trooper who owns a fully auto .50 cal Browning (I think). His goal is to saw through about a 4-foot diameter tree by the end of the summer. hahahaha

No spraying and praying! They're all extremely accurate!

.50 Cal BMG + 4' Dia. Tree = 2,000 Rounds Tops!

Only Bad part is:

2,000 Rounds x $2.00 per shot = $4,000!!!

Chainsaw is cheaper!!! :yes:

But NOT AS MUCH FUN!!! :no:

09-22-2006, 02:29 PM
My vote goes to a benelli M1 or M3 super 90, they are by far the best shotgun made, but on the other hand they are a little pricey, about 800.00-900.00 dollars. Then again when your life is at stake it will be worth the price.

09-30-2006, 08:07 PM
$900 :nono: I can't seem to locate a Mossberg 500 in my general area. I haven't searched high and low, but I've found a few Winchester Model 1300 Defenders 18" barrel and 8-shot. Anybody got a take on the Winchester shotguns? :cool:

09-30-2006, 11:10 PM
Did you try Reese Supply 724-569-9671,or Pa Police Supply 724-437-1800.

10-13-2006, 09:56 PM
Well, I got the Winchester (Model 1300,12ga, 18.5" barrel, capacity = 7+1) at Gander Mountain on sale for $319. I'm happy with it. It came with the regular stock only. I put about 50 rounds of #8 birdshot through it, then a 1/2 box of #4 (kicked a little more), then 8 rounds of 00 buck. Damn, those buckshot loads f'd my arm up. I thought I was being like a little girl :cutie: then I read about cops getting shoulder injuries from shooting sg's with buckshot so I didn't feel so bad. Apparently, a Knoxx spring-loaded adjustable Spec Ops folding stock will be on order SOON.

Most fun shooting I've ever had. I blew up 4 man targets and the 1/2" plyboard they were tacked to.... and the poor tree holding the plyboard up. :woot1: :woot1: :gun3: :gun3:

Reading through a thread on shotgunworld.com about home defense loads I seen this quote: "Only use birdshot for home defense if you're planning on getting attacked by a group of small birds. Use 00 buck, dumbass!"

10-14-2006, 12:04 AM
My "home" shot gun is loaded with 00 and I have a thing on the stock that holds 6 rounds of 1oz copper, saboted hollow point slugs. :goodidea:

Winchester makes a good gun, you did good.