View Full Version : Looks like Beaver Springs is going to do a flash light drags this year

12-27-2007, 07:27 PM
Heads Up Stop Light Drags
Real Street Racing

The Beaver brings back real racing.
A new series, third Saturday of the month.
June 21, July 19, August 23, September 20
Heads Up - Flat Out - First to the finish
No Time Slips No Scoreboards

Licensed, Inspected, Real paper work, Legal exhaust, DOT's
NO Trailers: All cars must be driven through the gate.
However, off site trailer parking at the Bean field for a $5.00 donation to DRAW.
When you sign in you'll get a tech card and a Post-a-note PINK SLIP.
The PINK SLIP is your ticket to compete in the Street Race portion of the event.

CLASSES: No time slips - No Scoreboards!!
King Street: The 8 fastest cars of the night.
Hot Street: Any car with NOS, Turbo or Supercharger
Real Street: Any naturally aspirated car
Tuner Street: Sport Compacts, 4's, 6's FWD. Power adders are legal

GRUDGE RACES: No time slips - No Scoreboards!!
You can grudge race anyone from 4:00 until 7:30 or you can just make as many passes as you want. The lanes are open for over three hours.

No time slips - No Scoreboards!!
All races are run on a .500 Pro Tree. Heads up, first to the finish. When your class is called, you come to the staging lanes with your "PINK SLIP" stuck to the inside of
your drivers window. You race a car and win, you take his PINK SLIP. You continue
to race until you lose your PINK SLIP. Last man standing is the winner.

KING STREET: No time slips - No Scoreboards!!
King Street is a qualified field for the 8 fastest cars. The King Streets will be asked to top off their fuel tanks and meet at the gate to go for a 15 mile cruise to Middleburg and back. Hoods, trunks and gas caps will be sealed. Upon returning to the track they will draw a playing card and be paired. Then it's a shoot it out to see who is King Street of the race.

Here is the great equalizer. There will be no track preparation. No VHT, No Gold Dust.
This is just like racing on the street. There is no traction aids. If your car can hook on the street, you can win. It's a fact, more races are won on the starting line with a car that can hook than at the finish line with horsepower.

The Heads Up Stop Light Drags are all about fun. There is no cash awards.
The final 8 in each class will win awards ranging from pizza's and BSD merchandise to the coveted BSD Iron Tree trophy.
"We know how to keep the fun in races. Keep the money out of it".
ENTRY FEES: $25 to compete. Spectators are only $5 each or $10 a carload.


12-27-2007, 07:33 PM
i like the idea of this. the sad part is the "There will be no track preparation. No VHT, No Gold Dust" thats the track all the time and the price was 20 when he first posted this up and now beaver bob is jacking the price up again he never fails to amaze me in his never end ability to rip people off. as much as im complaining ill still be there though.

99 GT Coupe
12-27-2007, 08:31 PM
there is NO WAY I'm driving out past state college to race. **** that

12-27-2007, 08:50 PM
there is NO WAY I'm driving out past state college to race. **** that

Either will I unless its a big time event like a NMRA race or such.

12-27-2007, 09:26 PM
its closer to me not really but closer than prp its 65 miles from my house to beaver sucks but i like knowing i drive 65 miles make 4-6 mid 10 second passes then drive home 65 miles but it does suck having to waste all that gas getting there

12-27-2007, 10:18 PM
Heads Up Stop Light Drags
Real Street Racing

Licensed, Inspected, Real paper work, Legal exhaust, DOT's
NO Trailers: All cars must be driven through the gate.
However, off site trailer parking at the Bean field for a $5.00 donation to DRAW.


12-28-2007, 01:13 AM
where the hell is cst-03? this is in his back yard. :laughing::twothumbsup::highfive:

12-28-2007, 04:01 PM
where the hell is cst-03? this is in his back yard. :laughing::twothumbsup::highfive:

No silly, I live by Beavrun.:sticktonge:

12-28-2007, 04:45 PM
I plan on going down a time or two..not to race but to watch! the 6er is a gas saver! 172rwhp doesnt get you to far racing! LOL!