View Full Version : Does a 3 or 4 row radiator exist for a 95 Mustang GT

01-21-2008, 10:51 AM
Hi all.

Does a 3 or 4 row radiator exist for a 1995 Mustang GT?

I was hoping to upgrade the cooing potential of the car by changing the radiator.

I was considering a 3 or 4 row heavy duty radiator or racing radiator but cannot find one. All of the ones that I find are aluminum 2 row.

Maybe it is not all about the row count but there are other factors involved. Can anyone shed some light on this? :confuse:


01-21-2008, 11:21 AM
Try Be Cool, Griffin, or I even think Summit Racing makes a 3 row aluminum radiator too. It may not say that it is specific to your car, but it will have the dimensions and whether it is for a auto or manual tranny.:thmbsup:

01-21-2008, 12:19 PM
fluidyne makes a direct fit one .its only 2 rows, but cools my car fine

01-21-2008, 01:00 PM
Hi all.

Does a 3 or 4 row radiator exist for a 1995 Mustang GT?

I was hoping to upgrade the cooing potential of the car by changing the radiator.

I was considering a 3 or 4 row heavy duty radiator or racing radiator but cannot find one. All of the ones that I find are aluminum 2 row.

Maybe it is not all about the row count but there are other factors involved. Can anyone shed some light on this? :confuse:


The after-market aluminum 2-core radiators use a differently shaped coolant tube and will cool you car just fine. The 3 or 4 core radiators were prevalent in the older brass cores.

01-21-2008, 05:10 PM
Thanks all... Gotcha on the newer two row aluminums cooling better.

Does anyone have any experience with Mishimoto?

They seem to offer an affordable direct fit aluminum radiator that boasts no epoxy.

01-21-2008, 06:26 PM
get a fluidyne

01-21-2008, 07:01 PM
Thanks all... Gotcha on the newer two row aluminums cooling better.

Does anyone have any experience with Mishimoto?

They seem to offer an affordable direct fit aluminum radiator that boasts no epoxy.

There was a group buy on stangnet for them awhile ago. Some people are on their 2nd and 3rd after leaks started.....