View Full Version : 92 With Cobra Rs wondering bout tires

02-17-2008, 11:04 PM
I just bought some 4 lug cobra Rs from a buddy with a 90. The wheels are in decent shape little rash here n there but I got a great deal on them.

He gave me the wheels with 2 matching tires that are 225 somthings and 2 different tires that are 230 somthings.

Anyways, I plan on replacing the 2 rear tires, I am going to just go cheapos but my friend gave me a free pair of brand new Kumhos that may work.

***The question is, will 275/40/17s fit on my Cobras? And most of all will this combo fit under the wheel well of my car? I dont approve of rubbing very much so I would prefer to go without.

Should I just sell these tires? Should the replacements be 230 also? Or just match the fronts at 225??

Thanks in advance!

02-17-2008, 11:29 PM
are they 17x8? 17x9? 275's im pretty sure arent going to fit in the front so i hope you dont do that, i dont know about the rear

02-17-2008, 11:35 PM
275 will be fine in the rear on a 9" rim

02-17-2008, 11:40 PM
I always ran 275-40-17 on the rear, and 245-45-17 in the front on my 17x9 cobras.

02-18-2008, 12:45 AM
I always ran 275-40-17 on the rear, and 245-45-17 in the front on my 17x9 cobras.
x2 :goodidea:

02-18-2008, 10:05 AM
Ya its just for the rear 2 tires. I wanted to put some meats on the back and the tires were free.

There 17X9s

They definately wont rub?