View Full Version : 86 Mustang wire harness

02-21-2008, 10:12 PM
I'm helping a friend get a TwEECer set up on his 86 Mustang and struggling with it. The car is an 86 that was converted to mass air (A9L) by adding the mass air conversion harness (not a complete MAF harness) Talking to TwEECer, it sounds like the EEC isnt getting KAM (keep alive memory) power based on what we are seeing.

Does anyone have wiring diagrams for this thing? Looking to find out what pin, and what color / trace the wire for this is. I have just about every 2.3 diagram there is, but am a little short on the V8 stuff ;)

Bob Myers

02-22-2008, 12:54 AM
Here you go Bob, It's a pinout diagram for all the EEC-IV style computers.


02-22-2008, 06:43 PM
Thanks! good link.

I would still like to find some color codes, makes it easier to trace down witing mistakes. Anyone have a link with color code?

Bob Myers

02-22-2008, 06:53 PM


02-22-2008, 06:56 PM
Also if you want you can register over at www.popsracing.com and PM Adam over there he is a certified SCT tuner and I believe he has access to all fords wiring schematics. If you do let him know that ArmyWarrant sent you to him. He is sometimes hard to get a hold of but he is very knowledgeable on EFI

02-22-2008, 07:02 PM
Thanks a lot, that 1st link in the last post is perfect/ If I cant trace it down with that, I shouldnt be working on it ;) Those are the same diagrams I have for the 2.3 stuff ;)

Bob Myers

02-22-2008, 07:09 PM
No Prob, I think the 1st link is for an 88 and newer but it should be the pinout you need for an a9l, Im not sure but there maybe issues with different pinouts between the 86 harness and the A9L.

02-22-2008, 07:16 PM
Based on your first link, I think its pretty vlose. The 86 was converted to mas air by doing the little harness deal, and the MAF pins are blank on the 86 harness. I think I will be able to sort it from there. There is just something missing to let the TwEECer know the computer is there. I can see it on my laptop, but cant seem to read the EEC. I will be able to touch the car tomorrow again, so we will see ;)

Thanks again.

Bob Myers