View Full Version : Engine Build ideas

03-12-2008, 08:01 PM
Ok, need some opinion's for when I do get the car.
I was looking into buying a stroker kit/shortblock 347. My future plans is to put a kenne bell blowzilla on it. Saveing the money might take a lil while and with a big supercharger you only want like what 8.5 comp. ratio?
So, build the 347 and run it n/a with low comp til i get the blower or build it say 10.1 and refreshen it when i get the blower and put new pistons in?

Never ran a blower so I will be full of questions in the future I am sure. I want to make plenty of power driveable and kill those damn ricer's. Opinion's greatly appreciated.

03-12-2008, 08:06 PM
Many choices for engines but here's where I went.
Talk to Woody and tell him Robert (gmkillr) sent you.
He's a great, intelligent guy that forgot more about small block fords than most guy's know. He's building my Mexican block 347 as we speak.

Pure Stock
03-12-2008, 08:08 PM
I vote for an N/A combo. If you do the 3.4" stroke 347 you'll have an easy 380-400 rwtq if you match the given components accordingly.

03-12-2008, 08:13 PM
I vote for an N/A combo. If you do the 3.4" stroke 347 you'll have an easy 380-400 rwtq if you match the given components accordingly.
If I go straight N/A it gets a bottle in the trunk.

Thanks, gmkillr i'll check him out.

03-12-2008, 08:24 PM
Realistically how much power do you want to make? Do you plan on using a stock block? Will you do your own tuning or have someone do it for you?

03-12-2008, 08:31 PM
Realistically how much power do you want to make? Do you plan on using a stock block? Will you do your own tuning or have someone do it for you?
How much power? Well I would like to make around 400 or so N/A then juice it. Or Kenne bell blowzilla 550 ish. The car comes with an extra 302 block. If it can't handle it just opt for a pre built short block.

Pure Stock
03-12-2008, 08:35 PM
400 at the crank?

03-12-2008, 08:36 PM
400 at the crank?
At the wheels is that unrealistic for a 302/347?

Pure Stock
03-12-2008, 08:40 PM
At the wheels is that unrealistic for a 302/347?

Can be done fairly easily. Any ideas on cylinder heads, cam, and intake choices?

03-12-2008, 08:42 PM
Can be done fairly easily. Any ideas on cylinder heads, cam, and intake choices?
Heads I was thinking canfield or afr, Cam have no clue who makes a good one or have to get a custom one. Intake I am open for ideas. See tons of choices with the hp i want probaly a short runner? 5.0 stuff is a lil new to me hence why I asked for ideas.

Pure Stock
03-12-2008, 08:49 PM
Heads I was thinking canfield or afr, Cam have no clue who makes a good one or have to get a custom one. Intake I am open for ideas. See tons of choices with the hp i want probaly a short runner? 5.0 stuff is a lil new to me hence why I asked for ideas.

Well from what you said here's where I'd go for a street/strip combo:

~ AFR 205's
~ Custom cam
~ Holley SMII or TFS R-Series Box with a 90mm T.B.
~ 1 3/4" Long tube
~ some type of tune
~ 400rwhp/400rwtq or better....

03-12-2008, 08:51 PM
Well from what you said here's where I'd go for a street/strip combo:

~ AFR 205's
~ Custom cam
~ Holley SMII or TFS R-Series Box with a 90mm T.B.
~ 1 3/4" Long tube
~ some type of tune
~ 400rwhp/400rwtq or better....
Tune wise kauffmans/SGS still about the best around?
Thanks for the setup ideas. Any ideas on who is good at custom cam's?

Pure Stock
03-12-2008, 08:58 PM
Tune wise kauffmans/SGS still about the best around?
Thanks for the setup ideas. Any ideas on who is good at custom cam's?

SGS is cool, had some dyno time there on a few occasions. Never had a chip burned from them though. Killercanary had several custom cams sourced from FTI. He relayed to me that the customer service was good and the products performed above his expectations. There are others and it seems like they are all pretty close on the cost.

03-12-2008, 09:04 PM
400rwhp n/a is going to require some well selected parts.

03-12-2008, 09:06 PM
I would opt for a supercharged 306 to obtain your goals if its a car that'll see a lot of street time. Although 400rwhp can be obtained with todays available parts, I think you'd have a more streetable setup by adding a blower to a mild H/C/I setup. Look at Rob's car, its a stock '94-95 cobra with a vortech and it makes 500 to the wheels. To make even 400 NA in a 94-95 is going to take a good amount of planning and selection of the correct parts, and it won't be as streetable as a mild HCI car with even low boost levels that will make even more HP than the NA combo will.

The late model roller blocks start to be a weak link when you start making good power or spin them very high. If you want reliable 500+rwhp you should really upgrade the block to something like the new ford boss or dart block.

The 94-95's definitely need a little more attention when it comes to tuning them. I'd talk to Don from http://www.lasotaracing.com or Dave at SGS. Don has owned 94-95's before and had all sorts of combos with them, he is also a superchips trainer.

As for a cam, everyone has their person favorites. I went with Ed Curtis at http://www.flowtechinduction.com and I couldn't have been happier. My dad and my cousin have also bought cams and various other parts from him and our experience with him has been outstanding. I highly recommend him. As for an engine builder, I had Rick from http://www.rnhperformance.com build my dart block 331. Rick is as good as they come, and his customer service is second to none. Research the engine builders that are recommended to you on various sites and see what others have to say about them, but I know you'll find all happy customers with Rick. Rick is located in PA as well.

03-12-2008, 09:06 PM
400rwhp n/a is going to require some well selected parts.
Yup and well selected money as well I see. I want to build one right and fast. Gonna love to work OT all I can now lol.

03-12-2008, 09:07 PM
I've had great service from Jay Allen at www.camshaftinnovations.com
He helped me make over 500 rwhp w/ a stock motor, one of his cams, and some boost! Any of the custom cam guys should easily be able to make a 400rwhp combo for you.

03-12-2008, 09:09 PM
I also second www.Lasotaracing.com for tuning as thats who tuned my car and I was extremely happy with Don & Rob's service and the #'s the helped me get with my combo.

03-12-2008, 09:11 PM
I've had great service from Jay Allen at www.camshaftinnovations.com (http://www.camshaftinnovations.com)
He helped me make over 500 rwhp w/ a stock motor, one of his cams, and some boost! Any of the custom cam guys should easily be able to make a 400rwhp combo for you.
Thank you guys for all the help. Blower is still an option just might fall later in the year. Always loved the blower whine. So maybe for now just throw a bunch of bolt on's for now simple stuff til I just buy the blower and long block. Kicking the ideas around while killing time ya know.

03-12-2008, 09:11 PM
Trickflow 205 cnc TEA twisted wedge heads
Custom cam
Holley intake
347 shortblock
1 3/4 headers w/ 3" collector
full 3" exhaust
electric water pump

Easily 400 rwhp+

03-12-2008, 09:43 PM
Some good suggestions here so far but you need to answer a few questions:
1) stock block? If thats your plan, your only going to want to make 500hp anyway to keep it safe and reliable.
2) how much street time do you plan vs. how much sacrifice of street manners?
3) do you want to boost/NOS or do you want to keep it NA?
You can make 400rwhp NA at 10:1-11:1 or make 375rwhp range at 9:1-9.5:1 and have fun until you add low boost to get to 500rwhp.
I've had 450+rwhp NA and 460rwhp boosted and the blower car will be more streetable.
BTW, I've also had good success with Ed Curtis FTI.

Pure Stock
03-12-2008, 09:50 PM
Here's some interesting results:

3.4" stroke 347 c.i.d., pistons .007" in the hole, 7cc valve reliefs, flat tops.

~ T.E.A. Twisted Wedge 185 cc heads
~ 10.46:1 compression ratio
~ Comp cams custom cam 232/236 .545/.545 110 LSA 107 ICL
~ TFS R-lower with R-Box upper
~ electric water pump
~ 1 3/4" Hooker Super Comp long tubes

* heads were milled from 64 cc's to 58 cc's to achieve 10.46:1 c.r.

FWHP/FWTQ outputs: 506/431

If a 15% loss through the drivetrain occurs RWHP/RWTQ outputs would be:

430/366 to the wheels.

03-12-2008, 09:51 PM
Some good suggestions here so far but you need to answer a few questions:
1) stock block? If thats your plan, your only going to want to make 500hp anyway to keep it safe and reliable.
2) how much street time do you plan vs. how much sacrifice of street manners?
3) do you want to boost/NOS or do you want to keep it NA?
You can make 400rwhp NA at 10:1-11:1 or make 375rwhp range at 9:1-9.5:1 and have fun until you add low boost to get to 500rwhp.
I've had 450+rwhp NA and 460rwhp boosted and the blower car will be more streetable.
BTW, I've also had good success with Ed Curtis FTI.
1)Might be a stock block to build off of. Depends on the combo and if its to close to those numbers then i'll opt for a dart one.
2)Lot's of street time but as far as manners go. Who needs those? lol
3)Unsure as why I was asking ideas and then go from there. If I build an N/A car it will for sure have a bottle in the trunk for a lil more fun on occasion. I did tend to go threw alot in my 4.6 car. So a 400-425 hp N/A with 100-150 shot would be fun. I have gotten to ride in a cobra and an old 5.0 vert with a blower on it and loved the sound and rush from them supercharger. Its there all the time vs nitrous you have to fill up alot. So that means a cost as well.

03-12-2008, 10:45 PM
1)Might be a stock block to build off of. Depends on the combo and if its to close to those numbers then i'll opt for a dart one.
2)Lot's of street time but as far as manners go. Who needs those? lol
3)Unsure as why I was asking ideas and then go from there. If I build an N/A car it will for sure have a bottle in the trunk for a lil more fun on occasion. I did tend to go threw alot in my 4.6 car. So a 400-425 hp N/A with 100-150 shot would be fun. I have gotten to ride in a cobra and an old 5.0 vert with a blower on it and loved the sound and rush from them supercharger. Its there all the time vs nitrous you have to fill up alot. So that means a cost as well.
Resonse to those points:
1) Well, you pretty much need to figure that one out and its a $1500-2000 (difference in cost w/ machining) question. I'm all for (and did) spending the cash to have a solid block, but if you'll be happy at 500hp and will definitely not go over (tough question to answer honestly) a stock block saves big money.
2) If it really sees lots of street time then you need to answer that seriously right?
3) I'm not a NOS guy, I'd vote mild NA build then add boost.
Are you just building to a horsepower goal or is there a performance goal?

03-12-2008, 10:46 PM
Here's some interesting results:

3.4" stroke 347 c.i.d., pistons .007" in the hole, 7cc valve reliefs, flat tops.

~ T.E.A. Twisted Wedge 185 cc heads
~ 10.46:1 compression ratio
~ Comp cams custom cam 232/236 .545/.545 110 LSA 107 ICL
~ TFS R-lower with R-Box upper
~ electric water pump
~ 1 3/4" Hooker Super Comp long tubes

* heads were milled from 64 cc's to 58 cc's to achieve 10.46:1 c.r.

FWHP/FWTQ outputs: 506/431

If a 15% loss through the drivetrain occurs RWHP/RWTQ outputs would be:

430/366 to the wheels.
I like, sounds like that'd be a lot of fun on the street. :goodidea:

Pure Stock
03-12-2008, 10:56 PM
I like, sounds like that'd be a lot of fun on the street. :goodidea:

I would have liked to see the TFS Stage III ( 236/248@.050, .574"/.595") cam tested.

03-13-2008, 05:13 AM
Resonse to those points:
1) Well, you pretty much need to figure that one out and its a $1500-2000 (difference in cost w/ machining) question. I'm all for (and did) spending the cash to have a solid block, but if you'll be happy at 500hp and will definitely not go over (tough question to answer honestly) a stock block saves big money.
2) If it really sees lots of street time then you need to answer that seriously right?
3) I'm not a NOS guy, I'd vote mild NA build then add boost.
Are you just building to a horsepower goal or is there a performance goal?
To sum it up; I don't mind nitrous used it liked it, it was fun. Street manners, I drovbe my old one with et streets on the back skinnies up front no sway bars drag struts and shocks. Drag springs. Sure it didn't handle for crap on the corners but, I really didn't care. So, if the n/a set up hogs down high test gas and annoys the hell out of people as it barks down the road I don't mind at all. Not saying I am going manual brakes and steering though. Drove my friend tom's 69 nova that way. I'll stick to power ones.
As, far as goal a nice mid 11 second car maybe low 11's would be nice(10's even better lol). It will see alot of street time. I think cars are meant to be driven not trailered unless they are full drag.

03-13-2008, 08:10 PM
400rwhp n/a is going to require some well selected parts.
Talked to "Woody" we kicked around some larger sized ideas hehe.

03-13-2008, 08:43 PM
Talked to "Woody" we kicked around some larger sized ideas hehe.

Cool! Isnt he a great guy to talk to? He wont b.s. you and have you buy parts that you dont need or want for your goals.

03-13-2008, 08:48 PM
Cool! Isnt he a great guy to talk to? He wont b.s. you and have you buy parts that you dont need or want for your goals.


I also purchased my 347 from him, along with a custom cam and canfield 195 heads from Jay Allen:goodidea:

03-13-2008, 08:53 PM

I also purchased my 347 from him, along with a custom cam and canfield 195 heads from Jay Allen:goodidea:

When are you going to have your car on the dyno?
I cant wait to see some rwhp #'s for your combo!

Pure Stock
03-13-2008, 08:54 PM

I also purchased my 347 from him, along with a custom cam and canfield 195 heads from Jay Allen:goodidea:

Any e.t.'s out of it?

03-13-2008, 09:40 PM
When are you going to have your car on the dyno?
I cant wait to see some rwhp #'s for your combo!

Well, I just talked to Jay today, it was a long wait getting the titanium retainers, so my heads will be completed tomorrow, then shipped to Fordstrokers so that Jim can install and set up my valvetrain. Hopefully I will get the engine next week. I spoke to Jeff at CRT about tuning around end of May.

Pure Stock, I'll post some ET's when complete!

03-13-2008, 09:44 PM
Cool! Isnt he a great guy to talk to? He wont b.s. you and have you buy parts that you dont need or want for your goals.
Ya he was pretty cool he was haveing some boreing machine problems cussing up a storm pretty funny. Then hemade fun of dyno's and tuners a bit. Told me to buy a tweeker and do it myself. I am mechanicaly inclined but, to just go tune a new motor meh I'll pass leave up to those who know what they are doing lol.

03-13-2008, 10:03 PM
Well, I just talked to Jay today, it was a long wait getting the titanium retainers, so my heads will be completed tomorrow, then shipped to Fordstrokers so that Jim can install and set up my valvetrain. Hopefully I will get the engine next week. I spoke to Jeff at CRT about tuning around end of May.

Pure Stock, I'll post some ET's when complete!

Sweet!! I was happy with the tuning I received from www.Lasotaracing.com
Don was great to deal with and he knows the 94-95 cars like the back of his hand since he has one. Let us know how it goes!!:awsome:

03-13-2008, 10:04 PM
Ya he was pretty cool he was haveing some boreing machine problems cussing up a storm pretty funny. Then hemade fun of dyno's and tuners a bit. Told me to buy a tweeker and do it myself. I am mechanicaly inclined but, to just go tune a new motor meh I'll pass leave up to those who know what they are doing lol.

Gotta love that Chicago accent!!:laughing:

03-16-2008, 07:17 PM
Gotta love that Chicago accent!!:laughing:
Ok, Now that I have an idea what I am building. Few more opinions.
What tranny to run 5spd tko600 or would i be better off with a 6 spd? I shifted my 5 spd pretty well in my old gt. I know there isnt much difference shift wise.

Probaly gonna go with a set of canfield 212's raised exh port .400 now where to find headers.
AFR 205's are also a possibility.

Gear wise I figure i'll have to wait for the engine to be done and a rough power band to get a set to start out with. Guessing 3.73's 4.10's.

Clutch's? Ram? or others?