View Full Version : Electric Fan Questions????

04-19-2008, 06:10 PM
I am having an issue with my car running hot. It has an electric fan on it and it was on the car when I got it. I was wondering if some one could tell me which way the fan should be spinning to be wired properly.

It should draw air through the radiator correct? Just wondering if maybe the fan is wired backwards and spinning the wrong way. It has a new radiator and water pump and the previous owner said the thermostat was new. Any ideas?

04-19-2008, 06:14 PM
If the fan is behind the radiator, it should be wired as a puller, if its in front, it a pusher. The sinple test is to put a shop rag in front of the radiator with the fan running. If it pulls it to the rdiator, its pulling, if it blows it away, its probably wrong.

Bob Myers

04-19-2008, 06:20 PM
Thanks Bob I will check it now.

04-19-2008, 06:46 PM
Ok well the fan was wired backwards and I also found when I turned on the key I seen a drip under the air cleaner.

Upon further investigation I found there a fuel leak coming from around the throttle rod (terminology????) that goes from one side of the carb to the other. So much for this being a freshly rebuilt 600 CFM Double Pumper.

04-19-2008, 07:45 PM
Ok well the fan was wired backwards and I also found when I turned on the key I seen a drip under the air cleaner.

Upon further investigation I found there a fuel leak coming from around the throttle rod (terminology????) that goes from one side of the carb to the other. So much for this being a freshly rebuilt 600 CFM Double Pumper.
Make sure your float isnt sticking. My 750 was rebuilt but my float stuck the other day so I ran somelucas threw it and it seems to be doing better. Sure dumped alot of gas into themotor though oil was like water.

04-19-2008, 08:56 PM
I just bought a holley rebuilt kit for it and I am gonna tear it down and completely clean it and put it back together once my jet kit gets here monday. Then I will see how she runs, could be a could reason why its sitting at 45 miles and has gone through almost a half tank of gas already.

04-19-2008, 09:08 PM
Glad you got the fan sorted out.

If you really have a leak at the throttle shaft in the base plate, a rebuild kit isnt going to help that. They do wear, and wouldeither need re-bushed, or replaced. Leaks there will cause all kinds of drivability issues because of the funky signal. As was mentioned, check the float level, that wil lalso cause all kind o' crap ;)

Bob Myers

04-19-2008, 10:01 PM
Well I went ahead and drove it again to see if the overheating problem is fixed and it's not, the temp gauge goes up to 220 down to 180 back up to 220 and then it comes back down to 180 for a few min then it'll go up again. I think it may have an air pocket and I'm gonna check it out in the morning while I a investigating the fuel issue.

04-23-2008, 11:00 PM
Sounds like your thermostat is opening too late, try a 160, they are cheap enough.

04-23-2008, 11:04 PM
Sounds like your thermostat is opening too late, try a 160, they are cheap enough.

thats whats in it now, I am gonna check and make sure I don't have an air pocket in it and if that don't fix it I'm gonna replace the tstat