got a set of victor jr heads for sale that i bought a few weeks ago with a bad valve/spring. i THINK i got a deal on a set of afr's so i need to sell these. paid 650 so im asking 650.
got a set of victor jr heads for sale that i bought a few weeks ago with a bad valve/spring. i THINK i got a deal on a set of afr's so i need to sell these. paid 650 so im asking 650.
Pictures please to
I will be in the area this weekend where is Scottdale? I am leaving NC tomorrow afternoon so the faster you get pictures to me the better we have a chance to make a deal while I'm in town. No tying to rush just looking at maybe not having to ship them.
Are these heads in good shape? What is the Part# on them? Any welding on them? What was the result from the broken valve bad is the damage?
Last edited by DING; 07-01-2008 at 04:10 PM.
Anyway... Are they still available? Please read my above post... Thanks