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Thread: Billet Fuel Rails 86-95 5.0 1st $50 or BO

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    Member wht88cpe's Avatar
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    Billet Fuel Rails 86-95 5.0 1st $50 or BO

    If I have it right these should fit 86-95 5.0 and support up to 1000hp depending upon application- but you be the judge. I don't see the manufacturer name on these. They were on my 88 MAF car when I bought it and shouldn't have been removed, but were- long story. Includes the six fittings as shown. Not mint but good condition, no problems with these when they were on there. I see adaptors on Ebay and other places that should adapt these directly to stock fuel lines, you do the homework. 1st $50 cash if you pick them up in North Hills. 412-486-9135 any time until 11PM or PM.
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