I've been really considering selling my car lately. I know this is going to sound contradictory to what I wrote in the 'road kill' thread, but it's aimed more at law enforcement than anything. AND, I'm not saying they're wrong.
Something happened to Bish lately if you recall. (I don't mean to call you out, Bish... it just helps my point here). He was ripping up through the gears on a deserted piece of road trying to figure out an ABS issue. The popo came over a hill towards him, pulled him over and nail him with "wreckless driving" that may or may not carry a license suspension. That's total BS. They probably hit him with such a severe penalty because of all the street racing lately and they're trying to drive a valid point home... if you street race, you get nailed hard. Was Bish street racing? No. Is he a fairly competent driver that thought he was not harming anyone else and totally in control --- pretty certain!!!
My opinion, the cop should've talked to him and whether he believed the ABS story or not, just kinda felt Bish out and realized what was going on... maybe give him a warning or general speeding ticket?
I'm an outside salesman where I work. I CANNOT lose my license or I LOSE my job. It's getting to the point with me that I don't even want to drive my car. If I "light 'em up" from a stop sign and accelerate up through the gears to the speed limit and the popo see me, am I going to get put in jail for street racing? I can't take that chance.
I might go back to my dirt roots. That way I can roar through the woods or a trail (on private property, with permission of course) and not worry about hurting anybody or getting arrested.
/rant off.
Have a nice day.