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Thread: What head bolts??

  1. #1
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    What head bolts??

    Was wondering what head bolts are the better ones to buy, and where to get them. I called advance and summit, and i should just talk to the wall, they have no idea what i was asking.

  2. #2
    Sexy and i know it fast4ord's Avatar
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    I use arp in my stuff, work good for me. I got them at summit.
    My collection:
    01 cobra in pieces
    02 dodge cummins

  3. #3
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fast4ord View Post
    I use arp in my stuff, work good for me. I got them at summit.
    Are they the arp head studs or just stock replacement bolts?
    I think Bob told me to get the angle torque??

  4. #4
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    There are three options (and a variant) for head bolts.

    Re-use stock 12 point bolts. Guys have re-used them a bunch of times and they seem to be okay (not my preference). These are standard torque to a value bolts, and are NOT available new no matter how you try to get them. The only source for 12 point bolts is used bolts right now. There probably isnt an issue with this option, but at the cost of the headgasket I run (FelPro 1035 at $60.00), its worth a set of new bolts too imo ;)

    You can go with ARP studs. There are two options for these, standard or undercut stems. Lots of debate on the merits of both, for an iron head, I think everyone says the standards shanks, the undercuts for an aluminum head. I have NO experience with studs myself.

    The service bolts that are sold by Ford and FelPro are angle torque bolts. You can identify these by the 6 point heads on them. I have used both, and have settled in on the FelPro's as they seem to hold the gasket fine, and are a few dollars less (and easier for me to get). These bolts are not re-usable. Keep in mind, these arent a "race" part or anything, Ford simply changed to the TTA bolts around 89 or so, and these have superceeded all the other part numbers. You can get the Ford bolts over th parts counter, or the FelPro bolts at a parts store. Just ask for head bolt set for a 88 TC, and you will get these now.

    My opinion - I personally think the TTA are better at gasket retention than any of the other options. I have never lost a head gasket with the 1035 and TTA bolts. As you know, thats running 25 psi through it and i've rattled it hard quite a few times. Lots of guys use lots of different combo's here, this is just what works for me.
    Bob Myers

  5. #5
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Here is a link to the bolts from Advance

    Bob Myers

  6. #6
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    angle torque is just to get the bolt to stretch so it reaches the proper psi of pressure on the intended surface, if you use an ARP stud or bolt they will recommend a torque spec that is based on an average from a bolt stretch gauge, i would deff use the ARP studs, they are proven time and time again...
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  7. #7
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, I got the FP 1035 head gasket already, going to get the bolts now.

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