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Thread: Anyone using a Procharger.......

  1. #1
    Member 1wykdmk8's Avatar
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    Anyone using a Procharger.......

    ......or know anyone that is? I am looking into this as a possible FI for my Lincoln (of course after the stroker motor is built), and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them. I was looking at the P-1SC system and then upgrading to the D-1SC.

  2. #2
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    From what I've seen and read, ALOT of guys running the P-1SC have enourmous problems with them leaking oil. For that reason alone, I would go with the D-1SC which does not seem to be prone to oil leakage.

  3. #3
    Ask 2000GT Sean he has been thru the "procharger blues"


    best of 9.66 at 141 MPH

  4. #4
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeymustang View Post
    Ask 2000GT Sean he has been thru the "procharger blues"

    As has 01cobrasvt
    Last edited by Viper_ed; 12-02-2006 at 06:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Power Adder
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    Were a dealer for procharger and we do our best to push people away from them. The P1 is a problem prone blower with internal oil leaks from being self contained and total blower failure when the blower is spun close to it's max speed. I'd go with a Vortech or a Paxton blower and you be happy for many years to come! You can start out with an S trim and upgrade to a T trim later on down the road.
    Chris Kauffman
    2000 Vortech'ed Saleen replica
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  6. #6
    Member 00blackroush's Avatar
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    i have a procharger on mine and it works good but every body makes you afraid of them because of the leaks no problems with mine yet but it isnt a daily driver either
    2000 roush (procharger/383hp/385tq 8#s of boost) with alot of other chit
    1994 dodge ram2500(cummins turbo diesel)

  7. #7
    Member 1wykdmk8's Avatar
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    Figures, I was trying to go a different route than what most of the Mark VIII guys were going. Most of the aftermarket blowers being utilized by the Mark VIII crowd are the Vortech units.

    I read somewhere (MM&FF I think) they laid down 800HP on a Mustang (do not remember if it was a Cobra or not) with a D-1SC. I did not want to utilize the P-1SC, but the D-1SC. Is there much of a difference or are they both prone to the leakage problem?

  8. #8
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Procharger= :dumping:
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
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    508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
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  9. #9
    Power Adder
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    The D1- seems to have alot less oil seal failure. They must upgrade something inside that makes them better. The only down side is their still prone to total failure when pulleyed down and pushed close to it's max blower speed. With a D1 a relistic goal would be about 600rwhp max (depening on other mods)out of a 4v engine.

    If you want to be different I'd go with a good turbo kit like a Proturbo kit. We installed one on a 04 mach 1 with an AOD tranny and a 6,000 stall with a non locking converter making 800hp to the rear tires. The car is stupid fast and really quite.
    Chris Kauffman
    2000 Vortech'ed Saleen replica
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  10. #10
    Member 1wykdmk8's Avatar
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    That is what I was originally looking to do....but do it mostly myself. I heard timing and setting it up is a biatch. Plus there is NO room under the hood of my car to do much of 2 biggest problems. I am still contemplating twin turbos though.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Killercanary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1wykdmk8 View Post
    That is what I was originally looking to do....but do it mostly myself. I heard timing and setting it up is a biatch. Plus there is NO room under the hood of my car to do much of 2 biggest problems. I am still contemplating twin turbos though.
    How about a remote mount setup?

    1995 GT 'vert
    Best times on old 302 combo:
    12.03 at 112.5mph NA
    Best time with 9:1 compression NA dart block 331 setup:
    11.50 at 121mph
    Dyno'd: 415rwhp/410rwtq

    2004 Z16 commemorative edition Z06
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  12. #12
    Member 1wykdmk8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killercanary View Post
    How about a remote mount setup?
    I was thinking that too, but will not net me what I was kinda looking for actually. I am not ruling it out, but will rule it out if I can figure out a way to route the pipes under/around the engine compartment. I am going to wait til the weather breaks before I start that will help me with the expendable cash as well to start ordering parts if I get that far.......

  13. #13
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    You and luxurysportscar should get together. He plans on doing a 5-Speed and Twin Turbo's on his.

  14. #14
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    My procharger is for sale if interested. Since the rebuild it has been working fine and it still has alomost 2 years left on the warranty. If interested PM me, the price will be right.
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