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Thread: not running, Now its in the right place...

  1. #1
    Define Your Ride! F-B-A's Avatar
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    not running, Now its in the right place...

    Sorry posted under the wrong topic at 1st... i moved it myself,

    So i removed the cluster to diagnos the wiring, an appoinment showd up early so i started the stang to pull it outside, and i heard this strange beeping.
    Now remember there is nothing left in this car, nothing, so the beeping noise was really unexpected.

    Anyways it was running rough and not very responcive to the throtle, anyways i parked it in the lot, now 6 hours later i go to the bench and realize the cluster was sitting there, not in the car.... then i rememberedd a post about the resistor for the check engine light, and the car not running....

    So i put the cluster back in, but nothing, she turns over but no start. no run.

    anyhelp here? just need to keep it running to pull it in and out daily no more, no less..

    -Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Define Your Ride! F-B-A's Avatar
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    any help?, anyone? gees tell me to check the tire pressure or somthing....

  3. #3
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    The beeping is probably coming from the little blue box under the dash behind the radio, it is the airbag module. Im not sure if it would cause it not to start though.
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  4. #4
    Define Your Ride! F-B-A's Avatar
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    Hmm, well.

    Air bags been out for a while, but I guess the Airbag light being disconnected would maybe send that over,

    Okay, cool, thats 1 fix, -Take out airbag module.

    Really wierd this is I think its a fuel issue and not related to the Cluster at all.

    No matter what i do i cant get it to flood, or even smell a hint of Fuel. Tanks about 1/4 and pump is obnoxiously loud, so i can hear it build up.

    Maybe This Florida Cars 1st Visit outside in sub Freezing Temps cause some 6yr old moisture to freeze up? idk, im going to try it again Monday Afternoon and see whats up.

  5. #5
    Senior Member coralcoupe1993's Avatar
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    Do you have fuel pressure? I just started driving a 91 Gt that hasnt ran for a bit, the fuel pump is on its way out. Its very very loud and I have to cycle the key 2 times to get fuel to the injectors before I start it.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    Check for spark then check for fuel

  7. #7
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    check the inertia switch, it is in the trunk on the left rear above the tail light, just a thought...
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  8. #8
    Define Your Ride! F-B-A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coralcoupe1993 View Post
    Do you have fuel pressure? I just started driving a 91 Gt that hasnt ran for a bit, the fuel pump is on its way out. Its very very loud and I have to cycle the key 2 times to get fuel to the injectors before I start it.
    Cant say for certain that i have fuel pressure, but the pump builds up and i can hear the resistance of what I belive to be fuel building up,
    Have to guage it to be certain, but too belive the pump is on its way out, its just SO loud.

    Quote Originally Posted by lib88stang View Post
    Check for spark then check for fuel
    Never thought about that actually, Checking that around 4pm today

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodeheaver's View Post
    check the inertia switch, it is in the trunk on the left rear above the tail light, just a thought...
    I seen that, actually looks stuck, its suppose to be all the way down, correct?

    and I can Bypass that switch right?

    thanks for the suggestions guys,

  9. #9
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    the switch is supposed to be down... try pushing in the shrader valve, if fuel squerts up in the air you prob have enough pressure (if you dont have a gauge), But maybe the prob is in the stuff you took off, i would double check the wires around the igniton switch...
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  10. #10
    Define Your Ride! F-B-A's Avatar
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    I Thought about that initailly, but i drove it in and out for a few days with all the components rermoved, so im still beliveing its related to fuel or the cluster in some way.

  11. #11
    Define Your Ride! F-B-A's Avatar
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    Its, Its, Its Alive!!!

    so I tapped on the inertia switch in the hatch, cycled the key a few times, (maybe 25), and Charged the Battery for what I thought would be a long day of Cranking....

    well after about 30 seconds she fired up!! Wo0T!! no biggie.

    But I have no clue what the problem was. ehh F-it, she runs again, thats the inportant part.

    Thanks for the help ppl. I appriciate it.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F-B-A View Post
    I Thought about that initailly, but i drove it in and out for a few days with all the components rermoved, so im still beliveing its related to fuel or the cluster in some way.
    well, you might have loaded up the plugs really bad , because when the engine is cold the computer really dumps fuel to keep her running, and if you started it up and shut it off right away a few times that would not give the engine long enough to warm up and clean off the plugs.. It used to happen when i worked at car dealerships all of the time, everyday we would park "blocker" cars in front of the entrances, and after a while of us starting them for 40 seconds and then shutting them off the plugs would be toast, we would have to replace the plugs...on brand new cars
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  13. #13
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    Glad to hear its running

  14. #14
    Define Your Ride! F-B-A's Avatar
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    shes my little smoke machine, lol

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