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Thread: hey i'm new, heres my story

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    yeah my 60' was terrible i spun real bad, also my syncros are bad in my tranny if i try to jam gears real hard it grinds from 1st to 2nd.

  2. #22
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    Ok this just happened to my car in the last month and a half, i couldn't drive it for awhile because the wireing harness fell onto the EGR tube coming from the exhaust manifod, melted and was shorting out ignition coil 3, the mechanic i took it to couldn't find it and he thought it was the coil, we put new coils in and on startup, the engine made a LOuD BANG!! , in side the engine the sound did not come out the exhaust, then he thought it was the computer and put a new computer in it! that jackass . finally i had to take it to davis ford to get it fixed and they found the problem, and ever since then i think its not running like it used to, its probably in my head but i dont know, and just yesterday i went for a drive in it since it was nice out, the engine ran good but it seemed to run rough, it might be in my head but i dont know, anyone know a good place to take it and get the computer, engine compression and pretty much the whole motor checked out? thanks!

  3. #23
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Where you live at?

  4. #24
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    Melcroft near 7 springs

  5. #25
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob_GT1997 View Post
    Melcroft near 7 springs
    Cloest to you that I could suggest would be Rodeheavers.

  6. #26
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    awesome, thanks alot i'll check them out

  7. #27
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Rob, the car had a tune in it when you bought it via the sct xcalibrator that you should have. I know you wrote "stock tune" in your original post, but if you didn't successfully unload it, then it's still in the old computer that the first mechanic replaced. The power would be down about 10hp and your idle will be rough. Just a thought?

    EDIT: Tim Rodeheaver did a little bit of work for me in the past. Great guy to deal with and he knows his chit, too.
    Last edited by Troll; 12-11-2006 at 03:44 PM.

  8. #28
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    the tuner does not work with the new computer, and there is no computer code on the one, also the car did run better with the stock tune, i know for sure, the tune that was in the tuner made the power real flat and it had no top end, the drag times was made with the stock tune, and troll if you're the guy i bought the car off of, just to just to let you know, I smoked my buddies 2002 mustang gt with it, and some guy in a neon srt-4
    Last edited by Mr. Rob; 12-12-2006 at 01:35 AM.

  9. #29
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    I actually thought the stock tune didn't have any mid-range, but I guess this would feel the same as what you're experiencing??? I'm glad you're having fun with it and I hope you get those other things figured out.

  10. #30
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob_GT1997 View Post
    the tuner does not work with the new computer
    That's because it's VIN locked to the old computer. If you restore the stock tune to the old computer, you will be able to use the tuner on another computer. Of course, if I recall, it was an Xcal. Now would be the time to upgrade it to a Xcal2.

  11. #31
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    i'm saving up for the xcal2, does it show your air fuel mixture and stuff? and can it be ajusted, i think since there is so much air coming in if i give it a tad bit more fuel it'll run a little better, i put new spark plugs, autolite XP iridium in when i bought it and i just checked them the other day they look like i just took them out of the box, shouldn't they be a tad bit tan? anyone wanna buy my xcal tuner? $80:) anyone know where i can get an aftermarket PCM?
    Last edited by Mr. Rob; 12-12-2006 at 12:11 PM.

  12. #32
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob_GT1997 View Post
    i'm saving up for the xcal2, does it show your air fuel mixture and stuff? and can it be ajusted, i think since there is so much air coming in if i give it a tad bit more fuel it'll run a little better, i put new spark plugs, autolite XP iridium in when i bought it and i just checked them the other day they look like i just took them out of the box, shouldn't they be a tad bit tan? anyone wanna buy my xcal tuner? $80:) anyone know where i can get an aftermarket PCM?
    I don't know of any handheld tuner that shows A/F Ratio. You will need some sort of wideband to display that. You can adjust timing and fuel curves with the Xcal2.

    BTW, with that Xcal is VIN locked, I don't think anyone would want it for free.

  13. #33
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    whats up?
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

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