Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post

Lifting isn't really the best analogy though with cars, but it can still work; people get stronger by routine hard workouts, cars get broken when they get worked out too hard all the time. They're similar though because when you push the envelope on a car or dont let it warm up the way it should (and you're pushing your luck with an aggressive tune or something) you could blow your motor just the same as an olympian can pull a hamstring by not warming up well or by neglecting nutrition/stretching. Both can also have bad shit happen for no apparent reason.
thats not exactly how i was trying to compare them but that also works lol. i was thinking more like this: if your into lifting, especially competitively, (or any sport for that matter) there is always someone bigger, better, and stronger than you. And why do you work out? to get bigger better and stronger so you can be competitive at what you do.

same goes for cars for the people that are into them. you are constantly wanting your car/motor to be better, more powerful, more reliable,make better E.T's and trap speeds, be more fun, etc etc. than other people's cars/motors.

but anyways thats just my opinion, not trying to start a war here