Allright, I will ask here. After many thoughts, I cannot figure this out. I have an idea but dont want to think about it.
Prpblem is my clutch is extremely HARD and Chattery when cold. Mhuchabee on here got to feel it last night. It started when I got to Carlisle, after the long turnpike trip. I cant attribute to that trip because I had the long tubes on last year. So thats out. The cable and double hook quadrant has about 2500 miles on it tops. Thats from 3 years ago. Yeah, I dont drive the car much. The trans might as well be a "quick change". I have had it out more times than I can count and dont want to do it again. Bearing retainer is perfect and the throwout bearing is good. The ball for the fork is good too. It is a Tremec trans with what I believe as a stock replacement clutch. It was new when I bought the car. The cable is the Summit one with the aluminium quadrant and firewall adjuster. When the car gets hot it smoothes out a TINY bit. But cold, its a mammer jammer I tell ya. My left foot actually hurts after driving this thing in stop and go conditions. The only thing I can think of would be a possible pivot issue with the pedal. Or the cable rubbed through. It was stiff when I put the new cable on. Just as stiff as the old cable was.