ok sorry i gotta rant... everyone encounters "this guy" in there life i guess. well i met him.. i worked on a polaris atv sportsman 500 (the ones known for eating cams) well i did this camshaft job for $80 plus dealer cost for the part. which is EASILY a couple hundred dollar job being as its not simple nor easy to get to... well i told the guy the carb was shit..it needed redone.. which he told me when he dropped the atv he cleaned and went through the carb(yea a real mechanic lemme tell ya). well he says the diaphram has a small tear in it and i dont know what im doing i shouldnt be working on anything etc. now id like to know how it becomes my problem when he didnt want anything else touched he didnt wanna pay for anything else. like wtf is wrong with people..talking shit when they didnt wanna spend the moeny and plus i gave him a hell of a deal. i never seen such a f^$%ing douchebag in my life nor do i ever wanna encounter another......sorry im done ranting