Now, doesn't this just sound ridiculous?
He is right, though Russ... you cannot beat Honda quality or reliability. I've owned 3 Honda sportbikes and 2 dirtbikes and compared to the competition at the time, the Honda's fit and finish and ergonomics just outshined the other models.
But, for a cruiser I would go with a Harley... just
my opinion.
It's not just a name, Rob. You get an engine that's air-cooled, runs hotter than hell, makes considerably less horsepower than competitor's similarly sized engines, doesn't idle well, the carb coughs sometimes on take-off and almost stalls. AND, it has a few other quirks and clunks, but that's what makes it fun. It's fickle and nothing else sounds quite like a Harley engine.
Riding a bike that does everything right is just downright boring.
