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Thread: motorcycle guys-honda vtx 1300 any good?

  1. #1
    formerly 93teal PSPstang's Avatar
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    motorcycle guys-honda vtx 1300 any good?

    i work with a guy who has a 2005 honda vtx 1300 R- it is a retro looking cruiser, he bought it new and with his two small kids its never been ridden.

    three years later it has 9 miles on the odometer....yes i said 9 on it.
    he just had it inspected yesterday and he told me how the mechanic commented how the exhaust still smelled new!

    his wife wants him to get rid of it, and we were talking and we were thinking of doing a trade for my quad.
    he's been looking for a quad and my polaris sportsman is practically new itself with 85 miles on it.
    i was wondering if these bikes are any good.
    i have never ridden before and eventually want a harley cruiser , but was told if i want a harley buy one of these jap bikes first to learn on.
    any opinions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Those are nice bikes. In my opinion, way better than the Harleys. With the Honda, you get quality, with the harley, you get a name.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  3. #3
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    Those are nice cars. In my opinion, way better than the Mustangs. With the Honda, you get quality, with the Mustang, you get a name.
    Now, doesn't this just sound ridiculous?

    He is right, though Russ... you cannot beat Honda quality or reliability. I've owned 3 Honda sportbikes and 2 dirtbikes and compared to the competition at the time, the Honda's fit and finish and ergonomics just outshined the other models.

    But, for a cruiser I would go with a Harley... just my opinion.

    It's not just a name, Rob. You get an engine that's air-cooled, runs hotter than hell, makes considerably less horsepower than competitor's similarly sized engines, doesn't idle well, the carb coughs sometimes on take-off and almost stalls. AND, it has a few other quirks and clunks, but that's what makes it fun. It's fickle and nothing else sounds quite like a Harley engine.

    Riding a bike that does everything right is just downright boring.

  4. #4
    formerly 93teal PSPstang's Avatar
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    But, for a cruiser I would go with a Harley... just my opinion.

    that is what i want long term. i heard it straight from the horses mouth though on this, friend of mine has a good friend whose dad owns a harley dealer. we have hung out a few times and he told me straight up.....

    if you've never ridden pick up a cheap 5k jap cruiser because if something happens to it dumped,crashed,etc you'll be sad, but if something happens to your 20K harley you'll be crying!

  5. #5
    Tripedalist yeahloh95's Avatar
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    two guys at work have them "the honda 1300's " and they love them the one guy has 4500 miles on his this summer already
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  6. #6
    On the down low cam303's Avatar
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    I have a 2006 1300 c..

    I bought it new as a leftover last year.

    Bike runs great nd no problems yet.

  7. #7
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Now, doesn't this just sound ridiculous?

    He is right, though Russ... you cannot beat Honda quality or reliability. I've owned 3 Honda sportbikes and 2 dirtbikes and compared to the competition at the time, the Honda's fit and finish and ergonomics just outshined the other models.

    But, for a cruiser I would go with a Harley... just my opinion.

    It's not just a name, Rob. You get an engine that's air-cooled, runs hotter than hell, makes considerably less horsepower than competitor's similarly sized engines, doesn't idle well, the carb coughs sometimes on take-off and almost stalls. AND, it has a few other quirks and clunks, but that's what makes it fun. It's fickle and nothing else sounds quite like a Harley engine.

    Riding a bike that does everything right is just downright boring.

    1 Monte SS. White.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Steve-0's Avatar
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    Friend of mine has a 02 1800 C. He absolutely loves it. No problems whatso ever.

    03 Cobra=slow show car...
    13 F-150 Limited

  9. #9
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    They are nice bikes, I wouldn't exactly call a 1300cc a "starter" bike. I have a Sabre 1100, it has more than enough power riding 2-up.

  10. #10
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSPstang View Post
    i have never ridden before
    Quote Originally Posted by PSPstang View Post
    pick up a cheap 5k jap cruiser
    Quote Originally Posted by luxurysportscar View Post
    I wouldn't exactly call a 1300cc a "starter" bike.
    Just re-reading this, I see you say you've never ridden before. I wouldn't even spend $5K. You could pick up an older SV650 or FZ6 or something along those lines for $3K or less. Ride it for six months and unload it for the same price.

    OR, if he'll let you ride it first and you feel comfortable on it, then that's really all that matters. GO for it!!! If you're not a total hamfist and have some respect for the power, you should be just fine.

    I've seen idiots smash themelves all to hell and back on 250s.

  11. #11
    Member BoneCrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    Those are nice bikes. In my opinion, way better than the Harleys. With the Honda, you get quality, with the harley, you get a name.

    Have you ever owned a HD?

    That is a really nice bike that you would definitely be happy with once you're comfortable. I really suggest taking the free DOT motorcycle safety course if you can though. I took it many years ago and it really is a good class for beginners.

    I have never owned a Honda but have a few friends that do and they actually seem to have quirky problems from time to time but overall they seem to be pretty good bikes.

    I have owned two HD's and they have been 100% problem free and I ride with more HD's than I can count and they pretty much are the same too. EVERY make will have problematic bikes here and there.

    Good luck dude!

  12. #12
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    I like all bikes. I will say, ride the honda and when your ready to go slow buy an over priced 20g hardly ableson

    (boy am I going to take shit on this one LOL)
    Last edited by ddmi-twin90gt; 09-07-2008 at 01:05 AM.

  13. #13
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoneCrusher View Post
    Have you ever owned a HD?

    Yes Mike, I have. I have also had the imports. Mainly sportbikes which is no comparison here.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  14. #14
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddmi-twin90gt View Post
    I like all bikes. I will say, ride the honda and when your ready to go slow buy an over priced 20g hardly ableson

    (boy am I going to take shit on this one LOL)

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA So true!!!!!!!!!
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA So true!!!!!!!!!
    Well its true LOL. My buddies spend so much money on those damn bikes, it makes you sick. Still don't go any faster LOL. Well maybe now that they bought MV Agusta they will figure out how to make them go fast LOL.

  16. #16
    Member BoneCrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    Yes Mike, I have. I have also had the imports. Mainly sportbikes which is no comparison here.
    Ah cool I couldn't remember, I thought you did though.

  17. #17
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddmi-twin90gt View Post
    Well its true LOL. My buddies spend so much money on those damn bikes, it makes you sick. Still don't go any faster LOL.
    Well, going "faster" really isn't the point when you own a Harley in my opinion. If "faster" is all you're after, get a damn Hyabusa and be done with it. And, you're only going to spend $12K even for a brand new one.

    I agree, the Japs build a superior product, but metric cruisers are all just copies of Harley models. Back in the 60's and 70's all they built were "standards" then moved onto sportbikes which is fine, then they saw the market share that HD was taking back after Willie G and company bought the place back, so they decided to build a better mousetrap... which they did.

    BUT... who wants to ride a copy (and send your American dollars overseas)?

    I really don't understand this argument. Just like I mocked Bish up top. Why do we all buy Mustangs and pour thousands of dollars into the engine and suspension when we could pick up a nice used 350Z?

    Every other car topic on this forum says RICER RICER RICER... but when speaking of bikes, HD gets mocked to hell and back and you(not you DIMI --- just "you" in general) say, "Buy a Honda!"


  18. #18
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Interesting yet useless fact: I believe it was the 1990 Fatboy? (which was the first year for that bike,) that harley put yellow bands around the tops of the rocker boxes, which was to honor Harley's domination of the motorcycle market after the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan.
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  19. #19
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    That's why I rice a rocket and don't own a copy. Busa is a straight line bike thats why I own a gixxer 1000, Best of both worlds. Not a boring ride on a gixxer 1000!

    All our money goes over seas any more. Sad but true..

    I was just poking fun at harley people, No harm in that.

    No argue from me, just be happy in what you ride and don't let other people tell you what to ride.
    Last edited by ddmi-twin90gt; 09-07-2008 at 07:08 PM.

  20. #20
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddmi-twin90gt View Post
    I was just poking fun at harley people, No harm in that.
    I is Harley people. I don't mean to sound argumentative. Just trying to make a point.

    Sorry to whore your thread up, Russ.

    I didn't spend $20K on mine. I spent about $8K, but trust me every few seconds I think... "I could've got a nice, low-mileage R1 for the same money?!?!"

    Riding the Harley is kinda like an old Chevelle with a big block in it. It's not real fast, doesn't steer well, doesn't brake well, doesn't handle well, but there's just something about it.

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