I got a new best but I'm still a little disappointed.
My best was a 11.10 at 124 but by the vid I can hear it missing/backing fring a little between every shift. I was shifting a little high on that run, and I think it caused the slowest trap of the night. Maybe I was getting past the SC's efficenty range.
I also had a new best 1/8 of 7.2 and new best 1/8 trap of 100.6.
Also new best 1/4 trap for prp of 129.53. My previous best trap there was a 129.0x. But that was on a 25 degree colder day.
I only got 3 runs in because i was little late getting there, and it was packed. The last run was by best 60". I feel it would have been my first ten, but the dam thing just died right after shifting to 2nd. Took me a little while to get it started and it ran a 23.xx lol.
The track were my previous best was ran at was Mason Dixon in Hagerstown MD. It was a 11.26 @ 129. But it was only about 42* that day and I had better 60' of 1.66. My best trap that day was a 131 with 85 less hp than now. Cold air and low elevation for the win lol.
At this point I think I need an auomatic because I just can not get faster at the shifting.
Here's a crappy couple vids done on my daughters flip video cam she got for free with her laptop. I knew not to expect much but man these are terrible
I here it break up on one of the shifts. i think that's when the plug let go. The second vid is when it stalled.
11.1 at 124
stalled going to second.
I just found out that #8 spark plug had the electro burnt off again. Probably happened right after the first run. That would explain the lower trap on the second run.