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Thread: zx14 vs zx12

  1. #41
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    personally i like all bikes..

    I LOVE the black busa that runs up prp, i think that bike is sick as hell but i would rather have a bike that i can rip through turns on a windy road, cause i dont have the balls to run those kind of traps on two wheels,

    Its just everyones opinion. I know bish and he rather be on a windy road rather than go straight cause thats what the busa and zx 14 were made for....

    i am not dissing on anybodys bike, so please dont take it as that...

    what speed were you doin when you went by had to be atleast 120 or so
    Agreed... despite my comments, i really do like all bikes - harley's included.... a good friend of mine has an anniversary edition Busa that is a nice bike and righteously quick...

    I grew up in the country, but in the last couple years in the city, i have grown tired of owners - not the bikes, but owners... you see busa's and zed-14's all over the place... and damn near every one of them is riding in shorts, t-shirt, and flipflops, with their helmet attached to the side of their bike (b/c its doing lots of good there)... and you also see their 3" chicken strips..... (honestly i see a lot of the same on 1000's too, so i'm not just picking on the 1300cc+ bikes) they didn't buy it to use it for its purpose - instead because of the image it portrays on them ... which, as a motorcycle enthusiast since i was 12, makes me sick

    "wow dude, you must have big balls riding a bike like that"... when truthfully, it doesn't take very big balls to ride a bike extremely fast in a straight line... i feel safer on my bike at 160+ than i do in my car
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 09-14-2008 at 11:38 PM.
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  2. #42
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    "wow dude, you must have big balls riding a bike like that"... when truthfully, it doesn't take very big balls to ride a bike extremely fast in a straight line... i feel safer on my bike at 160+ than i do in my car

    thats cause you never drive your car. haha

  3. #43
    Spoon Killer HidalgoGT's Avatar
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    I'll take both bikes on with my the dirt hehe
    Though I did look at a ZX-14 the other day charcoal silver looks pretty damn nice. Seen some nice honda's cant remember all the models I looked at with them as it was a honda/Harley dealership and I was looking at a 700 sport quad.
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  4. #44
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    faggots everywere you go, if you think that weak ls1 got somthing or your r1 got somthing come on down, bring $$$$ otherwise let the man enjoy his post...
    Last edited by biggb; 09-15-2008 at 12:33 AM.

  5. #45
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    [quote=nastynotchturbo;126949]faggots everywere you go, if you think that weak ls1 got somthing or your r1 got somthing come on down, bring $$$$ otherwise let the man enjoy his post...[/quote

    do we have to get personal??
    Last edited by 2001GTTT; 09-15-2008 at 12:45 AM.
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  6. #46
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    hey he obviously has somthing to prove, or else he wouldnt have came into another persons post and just started talking out his pecker eater...

    so once again if he has something to prove come on down. if not let the man have his post...

    wasnt a rider in the world that couldve made that race outcome differently against THAT zx14 and THAT zx12 when that race went down

  7. #47
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    i'll take you ALL on


  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by blizzard View Post
    i'll take you ALL on

    whenever your ready pee wee..

  9. #49
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Oh dear... another nut-swinger in the altoona crowd....

    First off, my post was a joke - if you were on this board more often than during your rag each month, you would have known that....
    Secondly, this thread is the perfect example of why you can't argue with people that have the IQ of a goat....

    I stated a joke... then, 1. Stated my point... 2. Backed up my point and 3. - well i didnt need to do 3, b/c you guys proved it for me.

    Then you go off caroling horse shit about me wanting to race my bike against yours... i stated (atleast) twice that the R1 isn't as fast as the zx-14 in a straight line... but you guys ignore the rest of the posts by Troll and myself, b/c you know i'm right... I didn't say one thing that wasn't true....
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  10. #50
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    I just read through this entire thread again, and I can't find ONCE where anyone denied the ZX-14 as being a straight line powerhouse..... and yet for some reason you still think i have something to prove....

    seriously, Altoona Area High School must graduate people after 4th grade or something... and still they skipped the reading lessons...
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  11. #51
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    I'll concede once again and bow out, just as i tried to do with this post..... enjoy your bike - its clearly doing exactly what you bought it for... just keep it rubber-side down and we'll all be happy with what we have and as far as my car being weak, we'll save that for another day ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish
    edit: i deleted my whole post b/c as Troll as shown, its pointless arguing with someone so thick headed - sit on here and talk about how you have the fastest bike ever made - you proved my point for me! I never said my R1 was faster in a straight line than the ZX-14 ... but on a windy mountain road, you would be long gone out of my mirrors in the first 2 miles... I guess we bought our motorcycles for 2 different reasons ... you bought yours to spank everyone else in a straight line - i bought mine to drag the pegs around country roads, and still be able to scream in any situation... and Troll - well, he bought his so he could fart around i suppose
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 09-15-2008 at 08:55 AM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  12. #52
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    hahaha, wow - this thread has really come to life...

    edit: i deleted my whole post b/c as Troll as shown, its pointless arguing with someone so thick headed - sit on here and talk about how you have the fastest bike ever made - you proved my point for me! I never said my R1 was faster in a straight line than the ZX-14 ... but on a windy mountain road, you would be long gone out of my mirrors in the first 2 miles... I guess we bought our motorcycles for 2 different reasons ... you bought yours to spank everyone else in a straight line - i bought mine to drag the pegs around country roads, and still be able to scream in any situation... and Troll - well, he bought his so he could fart around i suppose
    I 2nd the draggin pegs, if theres anyone out there that can ride, its you dude. U taught me how to do corners and neither you or I knew it till 2 years later sittin down eatin wings ahaha. The day of the poker run, I followed you most of the day and learned alot of $hit. I beleive you still had the old suzuki
    Last edited by KBCobra; 09-15-2008 at 10:41 AM.
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  13. #53
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBCobra View Post
    I 2nd the draggin pegs, if theres anyone out there that can ride, its you dude. U taught me how to do corners and neither you or I knew it till 2 years later sittin down eatin wings ahaha. The day of the poker run, I followed you most of the day and learned alot of $hit. I beleive you still had the old suzuki
    Yea man, that was on the TL1000R .. that was a great bike, but didn't handle anywhere near as well as the R1... its amazing how much faster i can go through turns on the R1 and not feel like i'm pushing the bike at all - its extremely confidence inspiring... You had to man-handle the TL-R a bit, but it was a fun bike nonetheless... I havent' been able to make it back for that Tom's Cycle Poker Run since then...

    I'm glad to see you kept your bike - i know you were looking at maybe getting rid of it.... We need to get together and ride again sometime!
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  14. #54
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    I'm glad to see you kept your bike - i know you were looking at maybe getting rid of it.... We need to get together and ride again sometime!
    I dont wanna keep whoring uo this already whored thread lol. Yea kept the bike. Few months after I rode with you, Old lady pully out of Wendies in Penn HIlls and smacked me pretty good. 3 years later now, I just had my deposition to settle out of court with her, should know soon what the results are. After she hit me, I bought all new black raven plastics and rebuilt the bike myself, its been in the garage ever since, honestly got scared to ride. Just the past 3 months now, I've been scootin around on it, gettin back into the mix. I'm down for riding anytime, but gotta warn yah, I'm rusty ahaha.
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  15. #55
    SCS Addict Stangman701's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBCobra View Post
    I'm down for riding anytime, but gotta warn yah, I'm rusty ahaha.

    Haha, he rode with me yesterday so he's at least a little used to that. Let me know if you guys go out I wouldn't mind getting out a few more times before it starts getting cold.
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  16. #56
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    I only have 3 things to say;

    1. "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." (Twain)

    2. this thread is pretty entertaining, all pissing contests are.

    3. Its Pittsburgh with an H

  17. #57
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    how can you even come in here and try to turn this onto anyone but yourself? you are the first I repeat FIRST person to start anything, yet im a nut swinger because i back my boy up just like your little minions are doing..nothing but back pedaling..... well the offer still stands

  18. #58
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nastynotchturbo View Post
    how can you even come in here and try to turn this onto anyone but yourself? you are the first I repeat FIRST person to start anything, yet im a nut swinger because i back my boy up just like your little minions are doing..nothing but back pedaling..... well the offer still stands

    im a minion?

  19. #59
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nastynotchturbo View Post
    how can you even come in here and try to turn this onto anyone but yourself? you are the first I repeat FIRST person to start anything, yet im a nut swinger because i back my boy up just like your little minions are doing..nothing but back pedaling..... well the offer still stands
    I didn't turn this onto anyone??? dude, wtf? - READ!!! I had even stated that my comment in the first post i made was uncalled for and that was my bad - but that got edited b/c it was in among a bunch of other unneccesary crap to delete.... either way, it was a joke, and you guys took it seriously... so then i defended my point - successfully - that the busa and zed-14 are nowhere near as good of a bike for twisty turny roads, even though they are much faster in a straight line... so where did ANYONE back-pedal??

    Did you score under 400 on your SAT's by chance?* the reading comprehension section must have been damn hard for you..... holy $hit!
    *you do know, you get 400 for just putting your name on the paper right?
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 09-15-2008 at 03:25 PM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  20. #60
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    dude maybe your to stupid to realize what's going on...just stay on topic in this guys thread, im done with you on the internet...

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