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Thread: Locked out, a documentary tale of my afternoon

  1. #1
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    Locked out, a documentary tale of my afternoon

    I read this on another forum and just had to share!

    I just spent 1 hour at the drive up ATM.
    No not because I love looking at the little computer screen. It wasnt even because I like looking at all the enormous amounts of money in the back (because I dont).

    ! ! ! ! ! It was because my dog locked me out of my truck ! ! ! ! !
    My truck is to tall to reach out and push the buttons on the atm. So I stop close and step out of the door do do my business and step back in. I generally keep the door open as a shield and quick escape route should some cracked out bad guy come looking for some fun.
    But no not today. Today like many days I have sierra in the truck with me. (my 2-3 year old Beagle) Generally she is good and will bark at me like beagles do but right before I pull into the bank there is this big black dog on the side of the parking lot, and sierra goes NUTZ. I mean she is going to rip him to little bitty doggy part if she can get her claws on him.
    So she is a bundle of energy and I think nothing of it when I step out except close the door so she want be trying to get out b/c by now she is real jumpy.

    Well right about the time I put my hand on the stack of cash ( use stack loosely here ) my heart skips a few pulsations and is start to sweat as I hear a CLUNK.
    Ol lord please no .. NO... NOOOOO

    My beautiful little beagle girl has just locked me out of my truck, windows up AC blowing full blast and burning up that liquid gold with every pulsation of the exhaust.
    Cell phone, Keys everything except for me, myself, and I are locked in the truck.

    Im just standing there looking stupid banging on the window yelling dog let me in with nothing but the cloths on my back the Justin boots on my feet, my wallet, Tactical Knife and the wad of cash (still using that term loosely).
    so after some time trying to talke my beagle into letting daddy in the truck and giving the security camera a few dirty looks because I know they are going to laugh at me tomorrow, I scan the parking lot for help.. Any help, I just need help.

    Its 2008 and apparently nobody has cellphones in my area yet.. Or at least that parkinglot.. Or maby they just didnt want to talk to the guy running around the jacked up chevy truck beating on the windows.. Either way I wasnt getting any love.

    So off to Subway I go. Its the only place close thats opened.
    "hey welcome to subway".. Oh bite me can I use your phone My freekin dog locked me out of my truck. " laughing at me.. sure"
    Ok, not only does nobody in this place own a phone for me to talk on. Apparently everyone I know that would be able to help lacks the simple ability to answer there phones.
    Really, can anyone honestly sit and dial about 6-7 numbers 2 times and not get an answer? Go on and try it, I dont think it is possible.
    But anyway happened to me, the moon must be in perfect alignment or something.

    Ok enough of this im going to find the biggest rock I can find and break in my hunk of junk the 2nd I can get the beagle away from the window.
    O wait I have company theres a guy in a pickup behind my truck waiting for the ATM.. Oh great now I got to fight some crazy guy ready to go home and All I got is my knife and ninja skills.. Wheres my .45 oh wait its locked in the truck YAY!

    "hey man, you wouldnt happen to have a cell phone would you my dog locked me out of my truck? " with a chuckle ( I mean really is it that funny? I wasnt laughing) "Yea here is there anything I can do?" The guy says as he hands me his cell phone and steps out of his truck to lend a hand. ( yea amazing someone with a phone, maby he is from out of town or something lol )

    So as Im calling these numbers AGAIN! He is now trying to coax the dog into stepping on the doorlock switch again only UNLOCK this time. No such luck, dogs happy being alone in the truck scratching at us looking like fools.
    Oh wait I forgot to add those numbers that didnt answer before, Yea they still don't answer.

    So time is passing and and still no luck. He offers to take me home to get my spare but only problem my house key is in the truck.. OH yea who would have guessed it.
    Plus the 2nd I left the area somebody would have broke out the window and stolen my truck and dog etc.. and that's not an option.
    So now im just sick. I do not know what to do at all. I cant leave, nobody answers phones this side of the Mason/Dixon line, and im out of options short of breaking the window and that's really not an option b/c of the dog in the truck.

    This guy is still trying to talk her onto the door lock button..
    Finally, after all this up and down crawling all around the outside of the truck her foot finally hits the passenger side window and it rolls down maybe 2.5"
    I jump down like a bolt of lightning and run straight to the other side, jump up on the setp bars and thrust my hand in before it goes back up.
    Forcing the window motor down my my hands I finally get enought room to gain access to the door lock.. CLICK.
    the man opens the door on the driver side while I run back around and apprehend my beagle.
    THANK YOU SIR FOR YOUR HELP and letting me use your phone, I greatly appreciate it.
    Shake hands appreciate it (hes talking to his wife or someone on the phone who I'm sure is getting a kick out of this).
    And I drive home.

    Im getting on ebay right now.


    NO just kidding, I love my dogs no matter how many gray hairs they try and give me.

    Now I need to go take up smoking.

    Thanks for reading.
    God Bless Dixie
    LeMans Blue Z06

  2. #2
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    nice story
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  3. #3
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blackfive-o's Avatar
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    Your cigarette's would have been locked in the truck, too!
    "Old Man"

  5. #5

  6. #6
    far from a newb!!! INSANELY CRAZY's Avatar
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    out in the woods
    lmao... someone did that on purpose. things happen for a reason i believe,so maybe you should be thanking your

    glad to hear everythings all good now.

    P.S. note to self (put extra key in box in fenderwell....)
    ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt

    2003 polaris predator 500

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  7. #7
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INSANELY CRAZY View Post
    lmao... someone did that on purpose. things happen for a reason i believe,so maybe you should be thanking your

    glad to hear everythings all good now.

    P.S. note to self (put extra key in box in fenderwell....)
    note to self....rob has an extra key in box in fenderwell.....

  8. #8
    Senior Member Ares's Avatar
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    Hehe sorry for your luck but umm that is down right funny
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  9. #9
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    I had the same thing happen but I lucked out because the little Yorky was jumping around like crazy and hit the unlock button in about 2 mins.

    Why ford put those buttons right in the perfect spot for dogs to hit while looking out the windows I will never know.

    I have a good story too...I know this guy that bought a 2001 Dodge Dakota RT and was installing a remoter starter. Well he shut the door and pushed remote start button. The doors locked and the truck fired right up. He was all happy that he got it to work. He had a Hey look at me I am so smart look on his face that I will never forget. Keep reading and you will see why!! Well that was until he hit the unlock button and it didn’t work. LOL The speed at which a shit eating grin turns to panic is amazing!! So I said "Give me the keys to unlock it". I got the strangest look followed by "They are in the truck". No big deal where are the spares..."In the glove box, in the truck". LOL Nice one Dad!! We had to call for help and the truck sat running for 30 mins.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member no1fordgirl's Avatar
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    wow, what a story LOL..

    Only takes one time to learn your lesson ;)
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  11. #11
    Rollin in my 5.0 Shorty429's Avatar
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    haha. glad to know the 86 doesn't have power locks! :)

    1998 GT- PI swap, 3.73's, off road h pipe, flows & some suspension goodies

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    Black 2009 Yamaha YZF-R6- custom levers, -1 front sprocket, Jardine GP-1 exhaust, HIDs, custom undertail, custom black windscreen.

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