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Thread: 95 GT Engine speed rises in between shifts

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  1. #1
    Senior Member 95DropTop's Avatar
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    95 GT Engine speed rises in between shifts

    Anyone know what would cause my engine speed to rise in between shifts?

    I have to push in the clutch, wait a few seconds, and then shift to deal with it.

    It is pretty annoying.
    It has been doing this since I got the car, prior to any of my mods. The only existing mod that was done was a cold air intake. The guy before me did that.

    Any advice or help is most appreciated.
    03 Cobra redfire vert - 466 rwhp / 456 rwtq

    Mods: Bassani Mid Length Headers, X Pipe and Cat Back, Accufab Big Oval Throttle Body And Polished Inlet Plenium, 2.95 Reichard Ultra Grip Pulley, MotoBlue Auxiliary Idler Pulley Kit, LFP Double Pass Heat Exchanger, K&N FIPK, C&L intake Pipe, 3.73 Gears, MGW Shifter, Spec stage 2 clutch, Fidanza aluminum flywheel, MotoBlue Hard Launch Bar, Full Tilt Boogie Racing kit and H&R Race springs

  2. #2
    Senior Member White5.0's Avatar
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    bad TPS or IAC maybe??
    2013 Mustang GT
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    1999 Contour SVT

  3. #3
    Senior Member 95DropTop's Avatar
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    Yeah, that would make sense. I put those things onto my new 65mm throttle body.
    03 Cobra redfire vert - 466 rwhp / 456 rwtq

    Mods: Bassani Mid Length Headers, X Pipe and Cat Back, Accufab Big Oval Throttle Body And Polished Inlet Plenium, 2.95 Reichard Ultra Grip Pulley, MotoBlue Auxiliary Idler Pulley Kit, LFP Double Pass Heat Exchanger, K&N FIPK, C&L intake Pipe, 3.73 Gears, MGW Shifter, Spec stage 2 clutch, Fidanza aluminum flywheel, MotoBlue Hard Launch Bar, Full Tilt Boogie Racing kit and H&R Race springs

  4. #4
    Senior Member Killercanary's Avatar
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    As was said, check the IAC. The TPS shouldn't be a problem because unlike the fox bodies, the 94-95 takes the voltage at startup as a reference point, so setting it to the normal .99 volts isn't really an issue unless its WAY off. Usually you can't adjust it on a 94-95 anyway as the holes are not slotted to move the sensor. This is a fairly common occurrence as well for these cars.

    1995 GT 'vert
    Best times on old 302 combo:
    12.03 at 112.5mph NA
    Best time with 9:1 compression NA dart block 331 setup:
    11.50 at 121mph
    Dyno'd: 415rwhp/410rwtq

    2004 Z16 commemorative edition Z06
    100% stock: 11.9 at 118mph

  5. #5
    Senior Member 95DropTop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killercanary View Post
    As was said, check the IAC. The TPS shouldn't be a problem because unlike the fox bodies, the 94-95 takes the voltage at startup as a reference point, so setting it to the normal .99 volts isn't really an issue unless its WAY off. Usually you can't adjust it on a 94-95 anyway as the holes are not slotted to move the sensor. This is a fairly common occurrence as well for these cars.
    Thanks. I did replace both the TPS and IAC. I did not do anything to set the TPS... I just bolted it on. Not sure exactly how to set it anyway.

    But I do know this... the problem did not get any better -and- I have heard that about the bastard children - that they can have this issue.

    Do you think a dyno tune will take care of it?
    03 Cobra redfire vert - 466 rwhp / 456 rwtq

    Mods: Bassani Mid Length Headers, X Pipe and Cat Back, Accufab Big Oval Throttle Body And Polished Inlet Plenium, 2.95 Reichard Ultra Grip Pulley, MotoBlue Auxiliary Idler Pulley Kit, LFP Double Pass Heat Exchanger, K&N FIPK, C&L intake Pipe, 3.73 Gears, MGW Shifter, Spec stage 2 clutch, Fidanza aluminum flywheel, MotoBlue Hard Launch Bar, Full Tilt Boogie Racing kit and H&R Race springs

  6. #6
    boats n hoes fork5o's Avatar
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    good post, ive had the same problem too. swapped TPC and IAC and stil the same problem. revs up 300-400 rpm when i push in clutch. ive been thinkin cam since i heard without a tune they can do that and i have no idea whats been done to the internals
    1995 5.0
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Killercanary's Avatar
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    The TPS generally doesn't need set in a 94-95 since the EEC takes a reference voltage at startup and uses it as its baseline. I'm sorry that your problem isn't fixed... I don't know what else to try off the top of my head. A tune may not solve it either especially since this is a driveability issue and most tuners lack the knowledge to fix such problems on the 94-95's. I'd send Don LaSota an email at LaSota racing and ask him if he thinks a tune could fix it. He is a great guy that I have known for years and he knows his way around the inner workings of a 94-95 EEC.

    1995 GT 'vert
    Best times on old 302 combo:
    12.03 at 112.5mph NA
    Best time with 9:1 compression NA dart block 331 setup:
    11.50 at 121mph
    Dyno'd: 415rwhp/410rwtq

    2004 Z16 commemorative edition Z06
    100% stock: 11.9 at 118mph

  8. #8
    Tripedalist yeahloh95's Avatar
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    Mine Had It Too But Did Get Somewhat Better With My Tune
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    90 lx supercharged 440 rwhp on 8 lbs
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  9. #9
    Senior Member 95DropTop's Avatar
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    Has anyone seen this by chance? I would like to get opinions as to whether this sounds like it is valid information prior to me trying it out.
    03 Cobra redfire vert - 466 rwhp / 456 rwtq

    Mods: Bassani Mid Length Headers, X Pipe and Cat Back, Accufab Big Oval Throttle Body And Polished Inlet Plenium, 2.95 Reichard Ultra Grip Pulley, MotoBlue Auxiliary Idler Pulley Kit, LFP Double Pass Heat Exchanger, K&N FIPK, C&L intake Pipe, 3.73 Gears, MGW Shifter, Spec stage 2 clutch, Fidanza aluminum flywheel, MotoBlue Hard Launch Bar, Full Tilt Boogie Racing kit and H&R Race springs

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