Took me about 15 minutes to to get #24 and I give up for the night. I here there's over 100 questions. Enjoy!
Took me about 15 minutes to to get #24 and I give up for the night. I here there's over 100 questions. Enjoy!
07 Silverado
05 R6
Sold: 03 Cobra, Built motor - 2.4 KB - N2O
edit: that question was so simple lol
oops I meant 25, I dont get 25 or 26
07 Silverado
05 R6
Sold: 03 Cobra, Built motor - 2.4 KB - N2O
what... the... i can't get past 4. says out of order and anything you click is fail :banghead:
aw man... F that. people have too much time on their hands. i got to the duck, visited some dudes animal page, skipped it, then i can't find the answer to life (it's 42?)... heh, maybe i'll try again later.
the duck I beleive u hit the head
the 42, you need to count to 42 start from left to right and choose the number 42 in order
07 Silverado
05 R6
Sold: 03 Cobra, Built motor - 2.4 KB - N2O
what's up with the horse #15 WTF?
edit: duh just kill me!
Last edited by Troll; 09-30-2008 at 07:03 PM.
2019 Colorado ZR2
im stuck on 44 doing the puzzle?? got all the peices in order but wtf
07 Silverado
05 R6
Sold: 03 Cobra, Built motor - 2.4 KB - N2O