Gonna get off on a rant: So my buddy down the street called me about 1am this morning and said that someone just tried breaking into his house. Him and I are going hunting tomorrow and he was getting his hunting gear ready and heard his dog barking and running around (Dog is inside the house). He see's the security light on the side of the house on, so he figured there was a deer or something out there. Then he starts to hear a banging sound, looks out one of the side windows and sees some Piece Of Shit MotherF$$ker kicking his door in. Runs back into his room and gets his pistol and opens up the blind and points it at the P.O.S.M.F. and then he runs off. I just dont know what these a$$holes are thinking? I mean are you going to risk your life for some cash and or a TV. Me, no cause im a normal human. I would have no problem letting my dog (65lb Boxer) go on someone to protect my properity. And I know this for a fact, that my dog would kill someone that tried breaking into my house. Dont believe me, well ask anyone that knows my dog and they will tell you. Im getting away from the subject.....Why do people have to try to steal? Can't they get a job and work for stuff they want? I mean there are alot of things I want.......but im gonna work and save for the things I want. I know there are alot of people on drugs this day and age, and it make them do crazy things....hey the A$$hole in question was more than likely high on who knows what and was just looking for another fix......Oh well just needed to vent I guess.