Me and my son Chip...bad pic!!!
jeff and chip.jpg
1990 LX 306 supercharged
You know what clark, lets just settle this in carslile..
2007 Civic SI fo do.
i-VTEC...Do you?
Me and my son Hunter Catfishing
A couple old pics of me
2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara hard top..frickin loaded!
2010 Gt 5spd....WIFE's car.
well, I don't have photoshop at the moment... so I made due with microsoft paint. I think I've outdone myself.
You be the judge.
Clark I couldn't resist hahaha I just kept thinking 'red lobster bib' the whole time I was looking at your tie. u can't really see it in the pic, but the bib says 'don't bother me I'm CRABBY'