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Thread: FS: Weider Ultra Max aka Crossbow

  1. #1
    it's soo-tack sutyak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Fairmont, WV

    Thumbs up FS: Weider Ultra Max aka Crossbow

    I'm selling my Weider Ultra Max, formerly called the Crossbow.
    This is not a typical ultra max, it has nearly double the resistance of the typical machine because I made dual-bow system.
    From factory it has 240lb resistance, and this one has 470lb resistance.
    This poundage is not directly proportional to free weights!
    Only reason I'm selling is because I missed free weights and starting putting together a free weight gym in my home.
    Wear is great. The bars are worn some on the end, but that happens.
    Seat and back are in like-new condition.

    $200 obo
    Cost new: ~$300 plus shipping

    Free pick up, but if I have to completely tear it down and deliver it in my Focus hatchback then the price goes up.

    Parts for this are cheap and easy to buy through
    The rods have a lifetime warranty to the registered owner, being me.
    So if you have problems with the rods for the first 6 months I'll try to help get you new ones.
    I will say half the set of rods are pretty much new.
    I also have a spare center rod, which the other rods attach to when working out.
    Last edited by sutyak; 10-01-2008 at 10:15 PM.
    '04 Mach 1. Built. Turbo. 667whp/631wtq
    '06 Focus. Built. Turbo. WMI. 12.43 @ 115 (sold)
    '03 Mach 1 : 12.61 @ 106.59 (sold)
    he's into that, that spiritual stuff. <><

  2. #2
    it's soo-tack sutyak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Fairmont, WV
    Bump. Forgot to mention one of the 40lb rods needs the plastic ends.
    They are $2.21 each from ICON fitness.
    '04 Mach 1. Built. Turbo. 667whp/631wtq
    '06 Focus. Built. Turbo. WMI. 12.43 @ 115 (sold)
    '03 Mach 1 : 12.61 @ 106.59 (sold)
    he's into that, that spiritual stuff. <><

  3. #3
    it's soo-tack sutyak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Fairmont, WV
    Decided to keep it.
    '04 Mach 1. Built. Turbo. 667whp/631wtq
    '06 Focus. Built. Turbo. WMI. 12.43 @ 115 (sold)
    '03 Mach 1 : 12.61 @ 106.59 (sold)
    he's into that, that spiritual stuff. <><

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