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Thread: Military Housing Sucks!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Marine Eng. Officer ArmyWarrant's Avatar
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    Fort Eustis, VA

    Military Housing Sucks!!!!!!

    I have lived in housing for over 5 years now and have gone through the military managing the housing to them going privatized. It has been through two property management companies in the last two years. They started building new housing a couple years ago and I currently live in one of them. They have been talking about charging for utilities for years now by taking an average of each blocks usage and that being placed as the monthly limit and anyting used over that is paid for out of residents pocket, finally the other day I get a notice saying that the new management company has got a third party billing company to start billing the utilities but not as averaged but as full bills.

    Now I have no problem paying utilities like every other honest working american but what I do have a problem with is them saying one thing and doing another!

    Also I get $1571 a month in housing allowance and live in a 3 br, 2.5 bath town house. They ake all of my housing allowance as rent. No problem right, wrong because I am a CW2 and the lowest ranking guy on base is an E1 and he only gets 900 a month in housing allowance and lives in one of the new 4 br units on post. I mean WTF! If this utility billing goes through as planned I will be looking to rent off base. If I am gonna have to rent I am at least gonna be somewhere I like.

    OK enough ranting, gonna go look at this tomorrow
    90 GT stock needing some minor work, traded my 87 Vert to my bro for it.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    thats crazy, how long did it taek you to make warrant officer?? i take it you started as enlisted?
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  3. #3
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    Huntingdon PA
    yeah military housing is a free ride.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

  4. #4
    Marine Eng. Officer ArmyWarrant's Avatar
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    Fort Eustis, VA
    Quote Originally Posted by Rodeheaver's View Post
    thats crazy, how long did it taek you to make warrant officer?? i take it you started as enlisted?
    I waited until I was SSG/E-6 to put in my warrant packet. I submitted my packet hen I had 9.5 years in and got picked up at 10 years. I have 12.5 years in now.

    Quote Originally Posted by MillCreekMafia View Post
    yeah military housing is a free ride.
    Thats just it it actually isn't, if it wasn't for my bro screwing up my credit I'd be living in a 2100 sq ft house with a 2 car garage now and the military would have been paying the mortgage with my housing allowance. Right now I live in a 1500 sq ft town house with no yard and no garage. and they take 1571 from me. but oh well if all goes well I won't be in it for much longer.
    90 GT stock needing some minor work, traded my 87 Vert to my bro for it.

    2004 RAM 1500 Quad Cab Hemi DD Gonna be up for sale soon
    86 Notch New Project

  5. #5
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    Military housing weather your living on base, or living off base in your own house.. they are still giving you a free ride.. just some are better than others... Been there, done that :) I will agree with you though 100% that whole privitazation of housing is garbage.
    Last edited by billyNOTnice; 10-04-2008 at 01:12 PM.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

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