Looking for a 2.3 turbo longblock. The motor that I bought a while back needs a block and head. So,I'm looking for another one to build. Let me know what you got. Thanks.
Mark 703 801-8615 cell
814 948-6336 home
Looking for a 2.3 turbo longblock. The motor that I bought a while back needs a block and head. So,I'm looking for another one to build. Let me know what you got. Thanks.
Mark 703 801-8615 cell
814 948-6336 home
2013 Mustang GT,ingot silver,black leather,MT82,track pack,Kooks headers/x-pipe,GT500 OA pipes,Roush mufflers.
2002 F250 Lariat,dark shadow gray,gray leather,CCSB,4x4,7.3 diesel,auto,lots of mods.
2017 Explorer XLT,canyon ridge,black cloth,AWD,2.3 Ecoboost,K&N filter
2010 Flex Limited,ingot silver,black leather,AWD,3.5 Ecoboost,AFE filter,HD brakes
2014 Honda Pioneer 700-4,'89 Yamaha Blaster
Kubota B7800,30hp diesel,AG tires,front loader,box blade
Bump. Anyone???
2013 Mustang GT,ingot silver,black leather,MT82,track pack,Kooks headers/x-pipe,GT500 OA pipes,Roush mufflers.
2002 F250 Lariat,dark shadow gray,gray leather,CCSB,4x4,7.3 diesel,auto,lots of mods.
2017 Explorer XLT,canyon ridge,black cloth,AWD,2.3 Ecoboost,K&N filter
2010 Flex Limited,ingot silver,black leather,AWD,3.5 Ecoboost,AFE filter,HD brakes
2014 Honda Pioneer 700-4,'89 Yamaha Blaster
Kubota B7800,30hp diesel,AG tires,front loader,box blade
a regular 2.3 out of a fox wouldnt work ? i might have one for sale
The N/A motors don't have the forged pistons and SS valves. Other than that,they're pretty similar from what I understand. I'm going to try to find a turbo motor for now. Thanks for the reply though.
2013 Mustang GT,ingot silver,black leather,MT82,track pack,Kooks headers/x-pipe,GT500 OA pipes,Roush mufflers.
2002 F250 Lariat,dark shadow gray,gray leather,CCSB,4x4,7.3 diesel,auto,lots of mods.
2017 Explorer XLT,canyon ridge,black cloth,AWD,2.3 Ecoboost,K&N filter
2010 Flex Limited,ingot silver,black leather,AWD,3.5 Ecoboost,AFE filter,HD brakes
2014 Honda Pioneer 700-4,'89 Yamaha Blaster
Kubota B7800,30hp diesel,AG tires,front loader,box blade
2013 Mustang GT,ingot silver,black leather,MT82,track pack,Kooks headers/x-pipe,GT500 OA pipes,Roush mufflers.
2002 F250 Lariat,dark shadow gray,gray leather,CCSB,4x4,7.3 diesel,auto,lots of mods.
2017 Explorer XLT,canyon ridge,black cloth,AWD,2.3 Ecoboost,K&N filter
2010 Flex Limited,ingot silver,black leather,AWD,3.5 Ecoboost,AFE filter,HD brakes
2014 Honda Pioneer 700-4,'89 Yamaha Blaster
Kubota B7800,30hp diesel,AG tires,front loader,box blade
I finally bought another 2.3t motor. Thanks Eric. It was good meeting you and thanks for meeting up with me.
2013 Mustang GT,ingot silver,black leather,MT82,track pack,Kooks headers/x-pipe,GT500 OA pipes,Roush mufflers.
2002 F250 Lariat,dark shadow gray,gray leather,CCSB,4x4,7.3 diesel,auto,lots of mods.
2017 Explorer XLT,canyon ridge,black cloth,AWD,2.3 Ecoboost,K&N filter
2010 Flex Limited,ingot silver,black leather,AWD,3.5 Ecoboost,AFE filter,HD brakes
2014 Honda Pioneer 700-4,'89 Yamaha Blaster
Kubota B7800,30hp diesel,AG tires,front loader,box blade
there is a turbocoupe down at the u pullit in west alexanderstill had the engine in it
1985 Mercury Capri
2.3 Turbo T-5
1988 Ford Thunderbird Turbocoupe losing its powertrain
1993 lx vert getting re-powered
1959 Ford 871 undergoing operational restoration
2011 Dodge Ram 2500 HD Cummins
1984 Ford E350 Tow Vehicle Project 7.5L