I was running a 03 Cobra pumps and tank, 40 amp BAP, Modified FPDM, 10ag wire upgrade, Professional products fuel rails ( junk and I went back to stock would not quit leaking). removed PPRV (postive pressure relief valve), and the pulse dampner (little silver disc thingy on the fuel line next to the fuel rail).
Both the pprv and pulse dampner are super restrictive. Plus I ran a a 1/2 line from the fire wall to the fuel rail. That way I could run an-AN to Ford EFI connector because it's also super restrictive.
Pic of a stock and russel -An to Ford and EFI fitting. What a difference!:o
Well anyway with all that I was still seeing 94-97% fuel pump duty cycle on the dyno.
Like a dumbass I went to the track and melted, and chucked #8 sparkplug out shortly after going to fourth. I also melted #7. But I still managed a 11.10 at 124 coasting through the traps.
I should have had more than enough fuel with that set up. So the only thing I could think of was that I had a pump or pumps going bad.
Tuesday I installed 2 Lincoln Aviator pumps which are 271 LPH each compared to the 2 Cobra pumps which are about 244 together.
So with the BAP on full It should in theroy be able of putting of out 813 LPH lol.
I went out last night and ran it from 2nd to 4th wot shifting at 6500 and the plugs looked great when I inspected them them.
The coolest part is that I got bought pumps used for 60 bucks!:D