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Thread: longtube header install???

  1. #1
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    Question longtube header install???

    was thinking about tryin to install some long tubes and midpipe myself to ease the pocket book a bit, anyone do an longtube install before? how difficult is it? also any other concerns with sensors or anything I should be aware of?

  2. #2
    Lovin my 302
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    I just put a set of BBK long tubes on my car last weekend, its not as bad as you read it is on the net. All the directions you'll see says you have to lift your engine up a few inches but I had my tranny out so that was not necessary. As far as Sensors thats going to depend on your mid pipe if you get a good pipe with the egr tube hook up you won't have any troubles. The wires for the oxygen sensors will need to be let down off there hangers to give you a couple extra inches. Good luck!!

  3. #3
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    is there any difference between the offroad pipes and catted pipes as far as sensors go?

  4. #4
    Big member venom's Avatar
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    even jacking the engine up a little bit isnt that bad.

    go for it!!
    2015 GTPP

  5. #5
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by venom View Post
    even jacking the engine up a little bit isnt that bad.

    go for it!!
    and makes it way easier anyway reqardless

  6. #6
    Lovin my 302
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    No sensor difference on 94 and 95 they have pre cat o2's so which ever you prefer. To lift the engine is not a big deal just the to motor mount nuts. I wrapped my new headers in packaging tape to prevent any scratches worked well. Mine was a little harder for room due to my Lakewood bell housing they are monstrous but anything is workable just takes time and patience

  7. #7
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    955.0 wat did you think of the quality of the bbk headers, jw cause I've heard mixed reviews

  8. #8
    Lovin my 302
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    I've also heard mixed reviews but I'll tell you what if they were off a quarter of an inch either way they would not fit. So I would use them again, Plus they do sound GREAT!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Try it and you will learn. It's just a nut and bolt job, how hard can it be? You might have to unzip a motor mount bolt and jack one side of the engine up, still no biggie.

  10. #10
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    Can be very intimidating, but definately doable. All the above info is excellent. The toughest part is gonna be installing the bolts into the head. Set aside a weekend. Wouldn't try it after work during the week my first time on my only car.

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