1998 TT GT....
1998 Honda Civic Stock DD
1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4 inch rough country suspension lift and BFG 32 inch M/Ts
2000 Seadoo RX Millenium Edition 951
this video was just on the news...haha...i guess the kid that took the video got arrested also for not obeying a police order? they said officials were looking over it to see if to much force was used haha...i would think that cop is gonna be in some deep sh*t now...
1998 TT GT....
1998 Honda Civic Stock DD
1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4 inch rough country suspension lift and BFG 32 inch M/Ts
2000 Seadoo RX Millenium Edition 951
that's the problem with this country today, we cater too much to a bunch of punks. everybodys a tough guy until someone doesn't take it anymore.
Last edited by billyNOTnice; 10-22-2008 at 03:30 PM.
Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia
I forget which Supreme Court case this was but remember the three things to look at when examining if police force was excessive
1) the severity of the crime
2) immediate threat the suspect poses to officers
3) wether suspect is resisting or evading arrest
Crime was not severe, he poses no threat, and has no little time to even know he is being arrested.
Going straight for the throat was a bit much.
That being said...if I was the punk and my neck was fine (or even just bruised) I'd take it in stride and let it go in return for having charges dropped and being released. Lord knows how many people like him go apeshit and blow it out of proportion. That punk will probably go to civil court and claim he wants punitive damages and $200,000 for the doctor visits he'll need for the rest of his life for his damaged neck.
00 Atlantic Blue 3.8L
X2.I'm sure if one sweet day was getting choked for asking the cops about her bf,friend being arrested she would be wording that diffrently. There are plenty of people out there who've been in a similar sitution abiding the rules and the brutality still happ.:) Like i mentioned before,from what we can see in the video the guy was walking away and it didnt seem like he was being overly aggressive with his words(atleast by his body language.).
02 MG GT
98 SVT Contour SF/MNB #2059
93 Civic Hatch
Carburetors and SAE wrenches.................
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