Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
What was your major & what are your career goals?

We're throwing out factual information in the hopes that it will stick. You're right that "we" need to do a better job at posting the McCain stance, however I'm not even sure that anyone will even freaking read it.

Steiny will pick a post that is side talk, rather than face the issues.

You'll complain about how everyone is filling the thread with crap - yet miraculously overlook anything objective that is posted & bitch about pity things (like a name - if you think that his name is a problem, fine. Calling someone their full name shouldn't get a rise out of you, if it does - you're already in over your head.)

Travj31 will just quote Obama 08 and agree with it and then be a phantom.

94svtcobra started off poorly, then responded well - but has since been a phantom.

Slow01GT made some good posts, hats off to him. Although my personal belief of why other countries favor Obama is about as simple as Tomlin favoring Romeo Cornell as the Browns coach - it makes them easier to beat. I know that there is much more to it than that, but that is an underlying factor - especially since France, Germany, England and a number of other countries have all elected conservative leaders. Conservatives trying to build their country to be the best it can be, go figure.
Wow, alright. I've stated my likes and reasons for Obama time and time again and yet you still act as if I do not know anything. Sorry that we disagree on the issues but that happens in politics. You vote for who you want to and I'll vote for who I want to. I've given you the credit you deserve for your efforts. You support your candidate well. Kudos to you but IMO its not cool to presume that I am ignorant to this whole thing or that I am supporting Obama without any real reason.

Oh, and FWIW, slow01 and I have exactly the same mind set concerning the race. He has stated those issues time and time again so I haven't bothered to venture down that road.