I need to contact NC DMV office. I do not know which NC office, but will all NC DMV be linked to the others?

here is what i have to find out.

We went to change insurance companies a few months ago. They wanted to charge us outstanding rates due to some apparent accidents I had with a chevy truck and a mitsu eclipse in NC. registered and insured in NC. anyone who knows me knows i wouldnt drive those things and never lived in NC.

well today i had some paperwork done and it pulled up that my SSN was issued in NC and WV at the same date and year!!!!!

So i now need to contact the NC DMV as well as the SSN office to try and get this straightened out. We ended up changing insurance offices and i kind of forgot about this until now

can i contact any DMV in NC or is there like a main one that has records of all NC registrations and such?