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Thread: Make A Starter Wiring Harness For Pre '92 Foxes

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  1. #1
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Make A Starter Wiring Harness For Pre '92 Foxes

    I'm changing my starter from the old pre '92 style to the later PMGR starter.
    Starter hasn't arrived yet but I made a new harness rather than just run the small wire included with the new starter by itself.

    Here's a pic of the cable end on my '91 starter cable.

    This end won't work with the new starter because the hole is too small. You also don't need the two bent down areas with the new starter.

    Picked up a '92 - '93 cable at AutoZone. Part #DW460B.....$7.99. Here's a pic of the end.

    Took the sheathing and convoluted tubing off the old cable. It was still in good shape so I cleaned it up and put it on the new cable.

    When the starter arrives I'll take the small supplied wire and run it through the tubing and sheath. Add some electrical tape where needed and you have a factory fit harness.

    Some people just drill out the hole in the old cable and run the small wire separately. That old cable is 15-20 years old, and running the small wire unprotected is not a good idea. This will eliminate any gremlins from popping up and make for a factory like installation.

  2. #2
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    For those who may do this upgrade in the future.
    The starter cable gets moved from the right side of the fender mounted solenoid to the left side. The small wire supplied with the starter gets attached to the right side of the solenoid. (Where the starter cable used to be.)
    This is the correct way to install the PMGR starter in a pre '92 Fox.

    There are other ways people do this, but they end up with starter run-on. (Starter runs for a couple seconds after key is released from start position.)

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