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Thread: I'm not big on talking politics but......

  1. #1

    I'm not big on talking politics but......

  2. #2
    Formerly 2011 GB/CS & CST 03 03 OW SVT's Avatar
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    Sad part is....This video won't make a damn bit of difference to some peeps. They will still vote for him no matter what. As i said before I fear for this country if he gets in office.... Obama
    Last edited by 03 OW SVT; 10-27-2008 at 05:28 PM.
    17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
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  3. #3
    Senior Member stieny's Avatar
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    "A federal lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania by attorney Philip J. Berg charged that Obama was either born or naturalized in a foreign country and is therefore ineligible for the office of President. The case was thrown out of court on Friday, October 24, 2008 by U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick, who concluded in his decision that Berg's arguments were, among other things, "frivolous and not worthy of discussion.""
    '15 CLA250 4Matic / AMG Sport

  4. #4
    Senior Member stieny's Avatar
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    "An anonymous email circulating for the past few weeks purports to prove that by virtue of the circumstances of his birth, Barack Obama isn't a natural-born citizen and is therefore ineligible to hold the office of president. When you strip away all the obfuscations, however, the simple fact remains that Obama was born on U.S. soil, which by virtue of the 14th Amendment makes him a natural-born citizen. Case closed."
    Last edited by stieny; 10-27-2008 at 05:57 PM.
    '15 CLA250 4Matic / AMG Sport

  5. #5
    Good info, But he's still not getting my vote.

  6. #6
    Oh dear thehill63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stieny View Post

    "An anonymous email circulating for the past few weeks purports to prove that by virtue of the circumstances of his birth, Barack Obama isn't a natural-born citizen and is therefore ineligible to hold the office of president. When you strip away all the obfuscations, however, the simple fact remains that Obama was born on U.S. soil, which by virtue of the 14th Amendment makes him a natural-born citizen. Case closed."

    Did he think the dnc was just like. O wait, we forgot to even ask if you were born in america, my bad. Wait, your 35... right?

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