well, 1st, the amont of material being taken or added to the crank depends on the bob wieght. 2nd, it depends on what balence you are using, 28/50/0 balence... and there are reasons people build 331s, its usually becuase the wrist pin is up in the oil ring on a 347 causing more oil useage and a short stroke is always a reving monster, long stroke engines keep the piston at tdc for a longer period of time and this is not desireable is some combos, and i have met lots of guys that destroke engines to make more power, cubes = TQ... rpms = HP... and a long stroke engine is less stable at super high rpms, but hey you know it all, maybe you should not read anything i post so you will not have to disagree with it jsut becuase it came from me....