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Thread: Coal Mine

  1. #1

    Coal Mine

    Well, it was my first day underground,,,,,,CRAZY!!!!!!! I went in and walked the main belt about mile and a half in, we went to a airshaft and the our boss told us to look up,,, you could see light and it looked so far up,, he said we were about 70 Stories under ground!!! At first, i was like F this, but once I was in there a little bit, i was fine! Its crazy to see all that stuff under there, and if you EVER get the chance to take a mine tour, DO IT !!!! I think this is going to be a GREAT JOB!!!! Is there any miners on here? Just curious?
    JUNK IT!

  2. #2
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    Glad you like the job, it can be tough for sure. My dad worked at Tunnelton for 27 years before it closed. We lived through all the nasty stikes back in the day, but he made a good living at it. You couldnt get me in that mine with 38" coal. How high are you working?

    Bob Myers
    Bob Myers ©

    84 Capri RS Turbo -Best 1/8th - 6.24@109, Best 1/4 - 9.82@136...Still only a 4 banger

  3. #3
    adult daycare speedracer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by How Much? View Post
    Well, it was my first day underground,,,,,,CRAZY!!!!!!! I went in and walked the main belt about mile and a half in, we went to a airshaft and the our boss told us to look up,,, you could see light and it looked so far up,, he said we were about 70 Stories under ground!!! At first, i was like F this, but once I was in there a little bit, i was fine! Its crazy to see all that stuff under there, and if you EVER get the chance to take a mine tour, DO IT !!!! I think this is going to be a GREAT JOB!!!! Is there any miners on here? Just curious?
    I work at a surface mine I like to see the sun

  4. #4
    its a 8 foot roof so my big ass is good
    JUNK IT!

  5. #5
    73 2.3 Turbo Pinto map351's Avatar
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    I worked for Cunningham Machine we rebuilt Jeffery Heliminers 120 H/M/L & Joy trip cars/loaders/roof bolters.
    A few times we were sent to different mines in WV, KY, to repair miners when the roof caved in on them and destroyed the Augers, we repair them at the face most of the time.

    One mine in KY. they broke off the Auger on a Heliminer 120M 56"/seam roof 380' down 12mi in to the face
    one of the worst mines I ever worked in. Took 3 days to weld the Auger attaching plate back on to get the machine back in service 2 days later the roof caved in and buried the miner took then 2 weeks to find it.

    Always remember where the Air shaft & tracks are and watch the rats there your friend down there they know what's about happen.

    120H/8' cut
    Last edited by map351; 11-11-2008 at 06:10 PM.
    289 slabside cobra

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  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    How many hour/week are you planning on working? I know this is a job that takes ALOT of your time but good pay..

  7. #7
    Formerly 2011 GB/CS & CST 03 03 OW SVT's Avatar
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    Glad you like it....You couldn't pay me enough to do that job. I think I would get claustrophobic.
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  8. #8
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Although, i think you'll get tired of it.... I've known a lot of people that have done that, most closely my Uncle who works in a mine in Eighty-Four, PA... and he can't wait to get the hell out... Went to school at Triangle Tech and became a certified electrician and all... but with no jobs in that field, he's still in the mine..... he hates it after 25+ years
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    How many hour/week are you planning on working? I know this is a job that takes ALOT of your time but good pay..
    Not sure what my hours will be yet, but today was 8 1/2
    JUNK IT!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post

    Although, i think you'll get tired of it.... I've known a lot of people that have done that, most closely my Uncle who works in a mine in Eighty-Four, PA... and he can't wait to get the hell out... Went to school at Triangle Tech and became a certified electrician and all... but with no jobs in that field, he's still in the mine..... he hates it after 25+ years
    i was ready to get out as soon as i stepped foot in there, but after a few minutes i calmed down, that was yesterday, today i roofbolted and it was actually a pretty good day
    JUNK IT!

  11. #11
    Bullitt Rowleyxlt619's Avatar
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    nice to see someone thats into mining, I have a buddy that i went to school with that works in a mine in somerset with his old man... makes damn good money... my old man worked for a strip mining job that was under the name of north cambria coal for 30 some years until they went out of business for sum odd reasons
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  12. #12


    Well, your not allowed to do this but,,,,,,, i managed to snnek a few pics
    Attached Images Attached Images
    JUNK IT!

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