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Thread: Watch this, I want your opinion.

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  1. #1
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Watch this, I want your opinion.

    Personally, I thought it was kind of funny....and while these are your rights, they generally dont turn out how you think they will...I found it entertaining.

    I know we have a few people on here in law enforcement, what do you guys think?

    OH btw, found this on SVTP, figured it would stir up some things here.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member stieny's Avatar
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    That seems very easy watching it in a video but these situations never work out that way.

    Also, I wanted to see what they had to say if the cop did call for the K9 unit. It was my understanding that they can call a K9 unit at any time and keep you there until it arrives. Once it does, if the dog alerts they have the right to search but the video didn't touch upon that.

    Also, the video doesn't take in account that some police officers are not stand up officers and do lie. They can say they smell something even if they don't or make up some probable cause. Just seems that there is a lot of gray area with police officers and it usually ends up your word against theirs.

    Good video though.
    '15 CLA250 4Matic / AMG Sport

  3. #3
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
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    I agree with that stieny
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  4. #4
    GREEN=FAST sweeney1030's Avatar
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    nice acting, come on now police are sworn to up hold the law and always tell the truth.

  5. #5
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Im goin to school for this, And while I do wanna be good at it, I cant see myself ruining someones life over small stuff.
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  6. #6
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    I was pulled over not long ago for nothing more than tinted windows. He called a K9 unit to sniff over the car. When I told him I needed to go if there was anything else he needed, all the sudden he didn't have his tint meter and "Let me slide". It was an excuse to try to get me on a higher charge.

  7. #7
    Senior Member stieny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luxurysportscar View Post
    I was pulled over not long ago for nothing more than tinted windows. He called a K9 unit to sniff over the car. When I told him I needed to go if there was anything else he needed, all the sudden he didn't have his tint meter and "Let me slide". It was an excuse to try to get me on a higher charge.
    Yes, tint is always used to get you on something bigger. Every car I owned with tinted windows, I have been pulled over for. And every time the cop would stick his head in the window looking for something else to go on.

    Which brings me back to my original point. If a cop wants to search your vehicle he is going to do it. If you say no, he'll get someone there with a dog. So I don't understand how people can say no because he will end up doing it the long way if he has to. The only way I see that working is if the cop just doesn't want to go through the trouble of calling another unit.

    I don't know. The cops around where I live are not involved in many things aside from tickets and car accidents so it seems they are on more of a power trip. Seems like they always find a way to run their "game" on you and pull that tough cop crap.
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  8. #8
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stieny View Post
    Yes, tint is always used to get you on something bigger. Every car I owned with tinted windows, I have been pulled over for. And every time the cop would stick his head in the window looking for something else to go on.

    Which brings me back to my original point. If a cop wants to search your vehicle he is going to do it. If you say no, he'll get someone there with a dog. So I don't understand how people can say no because he will end up doing it the long way if he has to. The only way I see that working is if the cop just doesn't want to go through the trouble of calling another unit.

    I don't know. The cops around where I live are not involved in many things aside from tickets and car accidents so it seems they are on more of a power trip. Seems like they always find a way to run their "game" on you and pull that tough cop crap.
    thats very true, I dunno if i'd trust that video lol, ive always found that being respectful and not an ass gets you off the hook.
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
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  9. #9
    Senior Member stieny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2001GTTT View Post
    thats very true, I dunno if i'd trust that video lol, ive always found that being respectful and not an ass gets you off the hook.
    I have found the same. I wouldn't go on everything that video says but it had a lot of good points. I would love to be more assertive sometimes with cops that push a little too much or try to intimidate.

    I respect the law and can appreciate the danger of their job. Not all are out to F you over but I can't stand the ones that hide behind their badge and act like they are the ultimate governing power.
    '15 CLA250 4Matic / AMG Sport

  10. #10
    Senior Member mustang50lx's Avatar
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    You have to show the Police respect when you get pulled over. That alone can save you alot of grief. Some Cops are okay to deal with and some are on a clear power trip. Either way I always treat the officer with respect when I get pulled over and have almost always been able to get charges reduced to no points. I've even been pulled over for reckless driving in unregistered, uninspected, uninsured cars and left go. I've been pulled over for 65 in a 55 and detained for 30 minutes. My personal opinion is there are 2 kinds of Cops. #1. They really do want to "Protect and Serve" the people. #2. They are on a power trip. I also think #1 can turn into #2 over time. They can't be in it for the money because they don't get paid enough for what they do in my opinion. They have to resort to picking on 12 year olds because if they go after a drug dealer they could be sued by the ACLU. The world is so assbackwards its sickening.

  11. #11
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    haha. I couldn't make it through the first 5 mins honestly. there are always exceptions but the way I figure it is although you are innocent until proven guilty they will give you plenty of chance to prove you are guilty. People get upset and say they use too much force or whatever but what people don't seem to understand is that actual criminals don't necessarily look or act different than the rest of us. they need to take precautions to keep from getting shot or killed, which is a possibliity every day.

  12. #12
    Senior Member stieny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Sweet Day View Post
    haha. I couldn't make it through the first 5 mins honestly. there are always exceptions but the way I figure it is although you are innocent until proven guilty they will give you plenty of chance to prove you are guilty. People get upset and say they use too much force or whatever but what people don't seem to understand is that actual criminals don't necessarily look or act different than the rest of us. they need to take precautions to keep from getting shot or killed, which is a possibliity every day.
    I agree with you and always say that people never really take in account how dangerous a cops job can be. A simple traffic stop can turn into them getting shot or killed and many of us do not have that risk in our own work place.

    With that said, I think its disgusting when cops abuse their power. Just youtube "skateboarders and cops". Some cops just go way too far.
    '15 CLA250 4Matic / AMG Sport

  13. #13
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stieny View Post
    I agree with you and always say that people never really take in account how dangerous a cops job can be. A simple traffic stop can turn into them getting shot or killed and many of us do not have that risk in our own work place.

    With that said, I think its disgusting when cops abuse their power. Just youtube "skateboarders and cops". Some cops just go way too far.
    You talking about the cop that rolls around in that little cart thing? lol

    That one was out of hand, That cop got out of it in court too.
    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
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