Good idea
No (Please explain why you think it would be a bad idea)
Not sure
I voted NO also. Making it SteelCityMusclecars would make it another fiasco web site that I would not bother going to.
LeMans Blue Z06
i voted no. because i feel like we should have the right to this site staying the same were not "steel city mustangs" or "steel city fords" so why mess with the name? as long as it isnt a big hassle for you lou i would keep the name and wear it with pride
I voted "not sure". I would hate for the site to change a lot because of a more open format with the muscle car name.
On the other hand, being a more open format to other brands very well could bring more site sponsors on board to keep the site going. Of course, more people, more brands, and more sponsors would bring more issues.
Ultimately Lou, it's got to be your call. I would shit myself if I ended up with a letter from Ford wanting $5,000 and my domain name.
If you are bored, read through the thrread on TRS. It sure looks like the site owner was also making / selling decals using Ford logo's without licensing. Not saying that is the only reason, but might be what brought that site above the radar. Looks like that info started around page 50.
I Voted no cause I'm an asshole. I don't think ford has a leg to stand on. Imagine if someone owned rights to the horse "Mustang" How much they could sue Ford. I mean if you owned a Four legged Mustang You could come up with as much of a law suit against ford as they do to us for "Stang". If anything they should thank the sites for promoteing their cars. Instead of being dumbshits. Its a stang site and lets keep it that way.
2001 Dodge 2500 The Big Bad "D"
4" exhaust,38"MTZ's,5.5 Fabtech Lift,Cold air intake,Silencer ring MIA,Smarty tuner,Edge Drag comp, 64/71/.80 s300 turbo 175hp injectors.
321Hp/783Tq New power numbers this spring.
1987 Dodge 1/2 ton gasser 4x4 "jr"
Ricers: For those who don't have the balls or skills to drive American Muscle.
Not cool cause I don't drive a mustang anymore.
Got Smoke?
I think everyone is missing my point, wether its right or wrong I don't need a letter demanding 5000.00 over a site that doesn't provide me a decent living.
Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08
New combo,
Ported Eaton, upper/lower
508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH
WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner
Further information......................
A real response from Ford. It was indeed the manufacture / sale of unlicesnsed products that kicked this into motion. I'm not sure if "stangs" is even up for trademark debate, but it might be worth contacting the adress listed to see what the licesnse process really is. Fall back to the "muscle car" if it's costly / expensive / or utter BS ;)
I like the site how it is. but I think Lou needs to do whats best for him. On the other hand opening to more than (fords or mustangs) may bring more problems !
More information on what was happening at TRS
F Ford.
Take the mustang pic off and put in it's place a real mustang(4 legged variety) and tell'em to get bent.
2012 Ram 2500 4x4, 5.7 Hemi, leveled, 35" tires
2004 Mustang GT - Comp Orange/5speed Best 1/4 11.94@113.64, 1/8 7.59@89.48, 1.57 60' - Best 60' 1.51, just a NA 2v
agreed. just keep things sorta vague (generic) and it'll stay cool. and for goodness sake DON'T do any banner ads for the Chevy Colorado!!
awww... is someone butthurt?Originally Posted by 97LaserRed
I think you should do what's best for you as the site owner. I think keeping it a small community is great - i havent' read thru ALL of the posts, but I'm sure that there is some way to keep the site a primarily Mustang community while taking off anything that Ford would get a stick up their ass about...
I don't think that this place would fill up with an enormous amount of stupid people if you opened it up to SteelCity Muscle Cars, but there might be a few more - too bad you can't be selective about who you let in and who you don't.... do your own style of Underwriting.
Eh, overall, i might be in a minority not being a Mustang owner, but i still think it should stay SteelCityStangs
Last edited by SonofaBish; 12-10-2008 at 06:48 PM.
2015 Corvette Z06
- Shark Grey / Kalahari
- bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)
i hope the site doesnt change. SCS is my favorite site. it doesnt have all the cocky,smarta$$ a$$holes that most sites do but do what ya gotta do Lou.
I wouldn't change a thing Lou, until you are pressed to do so.
17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
16 Comp O GT Performance Pack
03 Oxford white Cobra (Gone but not forgotten)
Its hard to vote. I was talking to another non posting member about this a couple months ago. I like SCS for what it is. Granted there are assholes here. We all know it. Going to a basic general forum will bring many other "assholes" here. I also see the point of copyright infringement. I honestly dont understand how they can remotly do such a thing. As many have stated earlier, ford does not own "stang". All I can honestly say is you have to do whatever you have to do. If a certified letter showed up at your door demanding $5000 for this, I can say that nobody (members here) will be there to help bail it out. Nothing against this place but thats the way it is. If you gotta change it then change it.
1 Monte SS. White.
Banned dates
There are more but that's all that was logged!!!
No, There are too many chicken littles running around in this world already. Don't become one of them. Wait until the wolf is pounding on the kitchen door before you start to worry.